Access Notifications on Your iOS Device

Access Notifications on Your iOS Device

Get instantly notified on your mobile screen as and when a presentation is shared, edited, or deleted from the list.  See all of your notifications on the Lock screen and quickly access them on your iOS device. Just swipe from top-down of your iOS screen and navigate to see the Show app notifications: Swipe left over the notification and tap View to open them. 

To view app notifications on your iOS device,
1. Go to Notifications icon  at the top right corner. You can see the count of notification messages that you received over the icon.

2. Tap the Notifications icon  to view the list of notifications along with the details of who shared, edited, or deleted a presentation.
Tap Read All to mark all messages as read at once. You can prefer this option when you have a lot of messages to read in your list and you want to deal with them later. 

3. Tap on the notification message for which you want to view the changes from the list. This will open the presentation in the reading pane mode.
Scroll through the list to see; a Green tick  for every new slide added and an Edit icon  for the slides edited. 

You can disable the notification alert on your iPhone/iPad device anytime under the Settings app by choosing Zoho Show, and then disable Notifications.

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