Activities - An Overview

Activities - An Overview

An important aspect in CRM is to keep track of all the tasks, meetings, calls, events, or activity records. You can neatly organize the numerous records along with the activities associated to them such as follow-up, pre sales and post sales activities, phone conversations etc. They can be very useful in initiating and tracking pending action items and in recording the results of meetings or events.

In Zoho CRM, the Activities module is where you can create and associate business tasks, events and calls. Each activity has vital information on the date, time, priority level and notification parameters that can even be accessible from within the record it is associated to.

Task refers to a specific piece of work required to be done within a given time frame. In Zoho CRM, you can create recurring tasks and set reminders to your tasks.

Event refers to an activity that happens at a given place and time. In Zoho CRM, you can create recurring events, set reminders, and add invitees to the event.

Keep track of the inbound calls (received from leads and customers) and outbound calls (dialed to leads and customers) in Zoho CRM
Take a quick glance at the CRM view to get a clear picture of all the necessary details of activities grouped under four categories based on priority.

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