Activity-based workflow

Activity-based workflow

This workflow's trigger is based solely on lead activity. These are pre-definable workflows that can be invoked for any entity, including signup forms, campaigns, and more. 

User scenario 1

Jane has embedded signup forms in her website, blog, and Facebook page. She now wants to categorize her leads by country so that she can send separate series of email campaigns to them. These leads enter her mailing list through these signup forms. She creates three activity-based workflows, one to segment US based leads, one to segment Japan based leads and the other for Australian leads. She defines 'Add to another list' as the action for each workflow. She associates the three signup forms with these three workflows. Hence, she now has three different mailing lists each holding leads belonging to the three different countries to whom she can send targeted campaigns. 

Create an activity-based workflow

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Workflows
  2. Click on Create workflow button present at the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Hover over Activity-based workflow and click Create new.
  4. Provide the following information:
    • Name for the workflow for your reference in the future.
    • Set up criteria defining the conditions with which your leads should be categorized. You can set up to six criteria and set the criteria pattern as of your choice.
      Note: It is not mandatory that you define this criteria as lead activity is the primary trigger for the workflow.
    • Select an action to be performed. You can select any number of actions:
      • Add leads to another list: Leads who meet the criteria will be added to another mailing list that you specify. If necessary, you can create a new mailing list.
      • Push to Zoho CRM the leads that meet the criteria. You can either push all leads to Zoho CRM or update just the existing leads' MarketingHub related information in Zoho CRM. To push leads, you will have to configure mapping with your Zoho CRM account.
      • Update fields of the leads who meet the criteria. Select the field to be updated and provide a value for the field. You can choose to update any number of fields. In update field you can do one of the following:
        • Text fields: Overwrite the existing text value or append text to the existing value.
        • Integer fields: Overwrite the existing integer value or add or subtract an integer from existing value.
        • Date and time fields: Overwrite the existing date and time with any value or update to the date and time when the action occurs.
      • Add score to leads that meet the criteria. Select a score to be added.
      • Assign tags to leads that meet the criteria. You can assign any number of tags to the leads. If necessary, you can create a new tag.
      • Remove tags from leads who meet the criteria. Select the tags to be removed.
  5. Activate the workflow immediately or Save as draft for use in the future.

Activity-based workflows can be activated and invoked from other entities that includes email campaigns and signup forms. Active workflows can only be associated with entities. You can associate a single workflow with any number of entities. 

Associating activities

Associate with an email campaign

Select the intended campaign. From the campaign summary, select from among the active workflows listed for each email action under Workflow setup
You can also associate an activity-based workflow when creating your email campaign. In the Review step of the email campaign creation process, select the workflow for opens and clicks under Workflow setup.

Associate with a signup form

  1. Select the intended signup form.
  2. Click Automation Tools and select Push to workflow
  3. Click Select workflow and select the desired activity-based workflow from the dropdown list to associate to the signup form.
  4. Click Associate.

Workflow reports

You can view reports for any active workflow. To view reports:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Workflows
  2. Select the workflow for which you want to view reports.
  3. Select the Associated entities subtab.
  4. Click the actions to view their reports.

The report will display a list of leads on whom actions were performed and a list of those that were missed out, along with the reason they were skipped.


Next steps 
Manage your workflows. 

Related topics 
  • Set up instant workflows to segment leads based on their field information and perform actions as soon as they match the criteria. 
  • Set up time-based workflows to segment leads based on their field information and perform actions at the frequency you set.