Add Imprint Details

Add Imprint Details

Before you send an email campaign, make sure your campaigns clearly show who the sender is and provide sufficient contact information to enable the recipients to contact you. This information must be directly and permanently visible to the recipients. This lets users know that they have received an email from an authentic source.

To add imprint information, follow the steps below,

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, click Settings.
  2. Select the Imprint Details under General. 
    imprint details menu
  3. You can choose how your imprint information fields should be separated from Fields separated by drop down.You have the following options
    • Comma- Field values will be separated by commas.
    • Pipe - Field values will be separated by "|" symbol.
    • New Line - Each field will appear in separate lines.

    You can view the preview of the above options under the preview section.
    fields separated by

  4. Fill out the following fields:
    • Authorized representative – Enter the name of an authorized representative of your company.
    • Email address – Enter the email address of the representative.
    • Phone number – Enter the representative's phone number.
    • Address – Enter your company's address for correspondence.
    • Tax Identification Number – Enter your company's tax identification number.
  5. Click Update to add the information. 
    update imprint information
  • The tax identification number may not be the same for all countries. Enter the valid identification number used in your country.
  • You can edit the field labels by clicking the Edit Label button found on the top right corner.

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