Add a description for your Team Folder, so members will know what the Team Folder is for. You can modify the description of your Team Folder as and when your projects change.
Only Admins and Organizers can add or edit Team Folder descriptions.
To add or edit Team Folder description:
1. Select a Team Folder in the left panel under TEAM FOLDERS.
2. Click Manage in the top and select Team Folder Details from the dropdown.
The Team Folder Details tab will open.
3. Click Add to add a new description, or Edit to change an existing description.
4. Click Save.
With private Team Folders, you can keep the Team Folder description formal to set the tone for new members added to it and remind existing members of the purpose of the private Team Folder.
With public Team Folders, you can keep the Team Folder description less formal to help the team members decide whether to join a particular public Team Folder or not.