Add work items and sprints to project templates ​

Add work items and sprints to project templates ​

 Add work items to project templates  

  1. Navigate to  Projects
  2. Click  in the upper-right corner next to Create button.
  3. Select Templates.
  4. Choose the template. 
  5. Click Create in the upper-right corner.
  6. Select + Work Items.
  7. Enter the details and select the  Start After and  Duration fields.
  8. Click  Save.

Add sprints to project templates

  1. Navigate to Projects
  2. Click   in the upper-right corner next to Create button.
  3. Select Templates
  4. Choose the template. 
  5. Click  Create in the upper-right corner.
  6. Select + Sprint.
  7. Enter the details and select the Start After and Duration fields.
  8. Click Save.    

How does the Start After and Duration fields function?

  • When you add the Start After days to a work item in your template and clone the template to a project. The start date of the work items in the project will be shifted based on the specified Start After days in the template. This is determined by the project's start date.

  • Duration of work items and sprints in the template will determine the time period of the work items when they are cloned in a project. Using the duration, the cloned work items will determine their end date based on the project's start date. 

    • Dates of the cloned work items will be shifted based on the new project's start date.   

    • Dates of the cloned work items for projects without the start date will be shifted based on the current date.   

  • Both the Start After and Duration fields in a template are used to define the start and end dates of the work items right when they are cloned in a project. 

  • The start and end dates are also calculated based on the work hours and holidays that you configure in your settings.

  • When the template is cloned to a project, the start after and duration will calculate the configured holidays (if any) and the working hours to estimate the start and end date of the work item. 

Example for start after and duration functionality when the project has a start date 
Projects with start date

For example, the project 'Development' starts on 19th Oct, 2018. This project is cloned from the template 'Dev Formats'.  


Task A in the template 'Dev Formats' has been set with a Start After field as 5 days and Duration as 3 days .

1. How are the start and end dates determined?

When Task A is cloned to the project 'Development' the start date of the task will be  24th Oct, 2018 and end date will be  26th Oct, 2018. 

2. How are the start and end dates defined for the task in the project after cloning?

When a template is cloned to a project all the work items will determine its start and end dates based on the project's start date, counting the Start After days and Duration defined in the template.

3. What if I don't mention the 'Start After' field for a work item in my template?

If the work item doesn't have Start After days and only the duration, then the work item will not hold any start or end dates. Instead, it will just have the duration. 

4. What if I mention only the Start After days without the Duration for a work item in my template?

If the work item doesn't have Duration then by default we will assign the duration as one day to the work item right when it is created or updated. 

Example for start after and duration functionality when the project is without a  start date 

Projects without start date

For example, Helen creates a project 'Marketing' and doesn't mention the start and end dates. However, she clones a template to the project and Task A has been set with a start after field as 3 days and duration as 5 days. 

For example, the project 'Promotions' is not specified with the start and end dates. This project is cloned from the template 'Marketing and Events'. 


Task A in the template 'Marketing and Events' has been set with the Start After field as 3 days and Duration as 5 days. 

1. How are the start and end dates determined for the task?

Here, the project is not set with the start and end dates. So, the task that is cloned to the project will take the current date to calculate its start and end dates. Say for example, the current date is 7th Nov, 2018, the Start After days as mentioned in the template is 3 days and Duration is 5 days. Thus, the start and end dates of the task will be 10th Nov, 2018 and 14th Nov, 2018. 

2. What if I don't mention the Start After field for a work item in my template?

If the work item doesn't have Start After days and only the duration. Then the work item will not hold any start or end dates. Instead, it will just have the duration. 

3. What if I mention only the Start After days without the Duration for a work item in my template?

If the work item doesn't have Duration then by default we will assign the duration as one day to the work item right when it is created or updated. 

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