Adding Thank You Pages and Signup Response Emails

Adding Thank You Pages and Signup Response Emails

When a visitor submits information through a signup form, they will be redirected to a 'Thank you' page. You can customize this page, or use our default thank you page.
  1. Select Leads from the Navigation toolbar and choose Manage Lists.
  1. Select the desired mailing list.
  1. Click Forms subtab.
  1. Click the desired form and go to the ResponseSetup.
  1. Select Edit icon to set the response messages and emails.
Design your signup thank you page
  1. From the Navigation toolbar select Leads and choose Manage Lists.
  1. Select the desired mailing list.
  1. Click Forms subtab.
  1. Click the Edit icon that corresponds to the signup form you want to customize.
  1. Go to the Response Setup.
  1. Select Edit icon to set the response messages and emails.
  1. Select the Signup thank you page.
  1. Click the Customize link corresponding to confirmation email. A Thank You Page - Customization pop-up will appear.
  1. Scroll down to the confirmation email template, select any content to customize it.
  1. Click Save.
  • Background Color - Add background color to the signup form body.
  • Border - Add or remove a border, increase or decrease the border thickness and customize the border as solid, dotted, or dashed.
  • Padding - Increase or decrease the space between the page border and body text by adjusting the pixel padding.
  • Font - Edit the body text font style, size, and color.
  • Font - Edit the body text font style, size, and color.

Set up Confirmation email

  1. Select Leads from the navigation toolbar and choose Mailing Lists
  1. Select the desired mailing list.
  1. In the Forms subtab and click the icon that corresponds to the signup form you want to customize.
  1. Go to the Response Setup.
  1. Select icon to set the response messages and emails.
  1. Click the Confirmation email.
  1. Click the Customize link corresponding to confirmation email. A Confirmation Email - Customization pop-up will appear.
  1. Scroll down to the confirmation email template, select any content to customize it.
  1. Click Save.

Set up Confirmation Thank You Page

  1. Select Leads from the Navigation toolbar and choose Manage Lists.
  1. Select the desired mailing list.
  1. Click Forms subtab.
  1. Click the Edit icon that corresponds to the signup form you want to customize.
  1. Go to the Response Setup.
  1. Click Edit icon to set the response messages and emails.
  1. Click the Confirmation thank you page.
  1. Click the Customize link corresponding to confirmation email. A Thank You Page - Customization pop-up - Customization pop-up will appear.
  1. Scroll down to the confirmation email template, select any content to customize it.
  1. Click Save.
  • Background Color - Add background color to the signup form body.
  • Padding - Increase or decrease the space between the page border and body text by adjusting the pixel padding.
  • Heading - Edit the heading text font style, size, and color.
  • Background Color - Add background color to the signup form body.
  • Border - Add or remove a border, increase or decrease the border thickness and customize the border as solid, dotted, or dashed.
  • Padding - Increase or decrease the space between the page border and body text by adjusting the pixel padding.
  • Font - Edit the body text font style, size, and color.

Set up Resubscribe Email

In this section, you will learn how to design and host your own thank you page, and customize your autoresponder content.

Thank your leads when they sign up to your newsletters. Make use of our default Thank You page, redirect leadsto a URL, or provide an inline message. You can also customize your Thank You page content.

The response can be page can be customized with an option to open in the same window, new window, or as an inline popup with a small, customized browser message.

You can use the Zoho Campaigns default thank you page or modify it to requirements. To edit the page, follow these steps:

Add logo

Click Upload to add a logo from your recently uploaded images, or from your image gallery.


Maximum image size is 1024 x 1024 pixels. Maximum file size is 1MB and supported image file types are *.png, *.jpg, *. jpeg, *.gif, and *.bmp.


  • Background Color - You can add background color to complement your page.

  • Padding - You can increase and decrease the space between the page border and the body text by adjusting the pixel padding.

Heading - Here, you can edit the font style, size, and color.


Redirect to a custom URL - Redirect the leads to a different URL and show them your personalized thank you message.

This is an email sent to leads' email address they used for signup. This email includes a button that the leadsneed to click to confirm the authenticity of their email address. You can send leads to a thank you page for their confirmation as well. Again, you can either make use of a default page or redirect the subscriber to another URL.

The response can be page can be customized to show up as a thank you page or as an inline popup with a small, customized browser message.

Design your confirmation thank you page

You can use the Zoho Campaigns default thank you page or modify it to requirements. To edit the page, click Customize icon and follow these steps:

Add Logo

Click the Upload button to add a logo from your recently uploaded images, or from your image gallery. You can also upload the image from your computer by clicking the Upload from Computer.


Maximum image size is 1024 x 1024 pixels. Maximum file size is 1MB. The supported file types are *.png, *.jpg, *. jpeg, *.gif, and *.bmp.

Redirect to a custom URL - In this case, you can configure a page URL so that the subscriber gets landed to a landing page after sign up confirmation. This is a confirmation email sent to those who have previously unsubscribed and want to resubscribe. The email will be sent to the address provided by them and includes a button for the leads to confirm their interest in resubscribing to the newsletter.

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