Advanced Options

Advanced Options

Custom Variable

Track your respondents' data and add information to your survey. Learn how to use a custom variable in your survey.


Trigger Emails

Use this when you want to receive an email every time someone completes your survey, or if you'd like to send a thank you email to the respondents. You can even add conditions as to when the emails should be sent out. Read more about adding trigger emails.


Invite Reviewer

This feature is useful when you want a second opinion on your survey before you send it out. Reviewers can leave comments on your survey so that you can make any necessary changes. Read more about this feature.



When you want to conduct a quiz, or give scores to your respondents' answers, you can implement Scoring features. Learn more about scoring.

These question types do not support scoring:

  • Ranking
  • Rating Scale
  • Star Rating
  • Matrix Rating Scale
  • Matrix Star Rating
  • Email
  • Contact Information
  • Full Name
  • File Upload
  • Text Field (Heading/Description)

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