Animate Charts by Series, Categories or as Single Object

Animate Charts by Series, Categories or as Single Object

Charts lets you visualize huge data reports, highlight an increase in a trend, and compare two different variables in the best possible way. And, animating them is another way to discuss, compare and explain each element/datum one by one in a more interesting way and is done in the same way as you animate any other slide object. You can animate charts to highlight individual series and categories, or even the entire area of the chart or graph on Zoho Show. 

Apply Animations to Chart

1. Select the chart you want to animate and click the ANIMATE mode in the right pane. 

2. Apply the animation effect you want from the available categories: EntranceEmphasisExit, or Path.  
  • Choose an Entrance effect to control how you want the chart to enter the slide. 
  • Choose an Emphasis effect to draw special attention to your chart elements by animating them within the slide. 
  • Choose an Exit effect to control how you want the chart to leave the slide. 
  • Choose Path effect to choose from predefined motion paths or to create custom paths for the chart.
The chosen effect will apply to the text and will be indicated by an Animation Number in the Animate pane. 

You can also apply separate effects  to each chart elements using the Change Animation option. 
3. Click the Animate drop-down list and choose the type of chart animation you want to apply based on whether you want to animate the chart by series, categories, or by each individual elements.
There are five types of chart animations: 
1. As a Single Object.
2. Each Series.
3. Each Category.
4. Each Element in Series.
5. Each Element in Category. 
Let us see how the effect behaves for each type of chart animation with an "Clustered Column" chart as example which has the "Curvy Float" animation applied to it.

The chart depicts the worldwide automobile production (in millions units) of cars Hyundai, Toyota, Honda, and Ford from 2014 to 2017. Here, the "Period of manufacturing" is labelled as Legends/Series and the "Car Brands" as Categories in the chart. 

  • Choosing As a Single Object will animate the entire plot area/whole chart as one object at once. This animation will set your chart to curvy float into the slide as one unit and the chosen chart effect will be indicated with Animation Number "1".

  • Choosing Each Series will animate all chart series one by one. The term Series refers to the legends in the chart. This animation will set Each Series (2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17) in the chart that is oriented vertically to float into the slide one at a time. The chosen chart effect  will label each series in the chart with a different number such as "Series 1",  "Series 2", and "Series 3" along with the background animation effect.

  • Choosing Each Category animates all chart category one by one. This animation will set Each Category (Hyundai, Toyota, Honda, Ford) in the chart to float into the slide one at a time. The chosen effect will label each  category in the chart with a different number such as "Category 1", "Category 2",  and "Category 3" along with the background effect.

  • Choosing Each Element in Series animates each individual element/item in series sequentially. This animation will set each element in the series corresponding to the category  to float into the slide sequentially one after the other followed by the next  series/legend, and so on until all series have been animated in the chart. As per the chart, the 2014-15 (Series) appears first for the brand Hyundai, next Toyota, Honda and then Ford followed by 2015-16 (Series) for the brand of Hyundai, Toyota,  Honda and Ford and so on. 

  • Choosing Each Element in Category animates each individual element in category sequentially. This animation will set each series element corresponding to the category (Hyundai, Toyota, Honda, and Ford to display/float sequentially into the chart before  going on to the next category and follows until the last category in the chart. As  per the chart, the 2014-15(Series) appears first, the 2015-16 next,  then 2016-17 and the 2016-17  last for the brand of Hyundai followed by Toyota Category and so on. 

1. Change chart animation properties - You can click on each chart effect in the Animate pane indicated by Animation Number and set a duration or direction for them individually as explained in "Edit Chart Effect's Properties" below. 
2. Remove effect on chart background - Once you apply a chart animation, you will see the first effect in the list as background. But if you want to animate just the chart area and its elements excluding the chart background then click the delete button   to remove it from the list as shown in figure.

 The available types of chart animations may vary depending on the type of chart  you have inserted/used.

Edit Chart Effect's Properties 

After you apply the animation, you are free to edit the animation property of each effect within Animate mode as follows:

Set direction of effect 

Change the direction of the effect's entry or exit by clicking the Direction drop down option.It decides the specified direction in which you want the chart elements to enter, move inside or exit the slide.

Set speed/duration of effect 

Alter the speed of the effect to make it appear slower or faster. It decides how fast or slow you want the chart elements to enter or play on the slide. Learn how to change the speed of effect's

Change animation order properties

Alter the properties of the animation effects such as StartDuration, and Delay time within the  Animation Order window.  Learn how to edit animation order properties.

Reorder effects 

Decide which series or category element you want to project first in your chart by dragging and dropping the effects in the order you want. 

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