API Methods

API Methods

Method Name
To retrieve all users data specified in the API request
To retrieve individual records by record ID
To insert records into the required Zoho Recruit module
To update or modify the records in Zoho Recruit


To retrieve all note types in the user account which will be useful while adding Notes through API
To retrieve records related to a primary module
To retrieve details of fields available in a module


To retrieve Associated JobOpenings of a given Candidate


To change the candidate status with respect to the job openings in Zoho Recruit

To change the candidate rating with respect to the job openings in Zoho Recruit
To attach a file to a record
To download a file attached to a record


To associate candidates to job openings in Zoho Recruit
To add a photo to a contact or candidate
To download the photo of a contact or candidate


To parse and upload candidate resumes from third-party applications. This is available only in the Paid Edition.
To retrieve all modules from Zoho Recruit account

To get associated Candidates for a Job Opening


To search records by the expressions of the selected columns

To get tabular data for a specified record
To add tabular data for a specified record
To update particular tabular entries for a specified record
To delete tabular entries for a specified record

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