Apply a solid color, gradient, picture and pattern fill

Apply a solid color, gradient, picture and pattern fill

Fill the empty spaces inside your shapes to make them stand out on the presentation screen. Adding fills such as blended-color gradients, two-color patterns, or pictures to your slide objects not only helps your audience easily capture the presentation idea, but also grasp key information quickly on the slide.
The  Zoho Show app for Android provides you the following fill options:
  1. Solid fill applies a single color uniformly within the whole object.
  2. Gradient fill applies a continuous blend of two or more colors, where one color gradually fades and changes into another.
  3. Picture fill applies a tile pattern or image as an object background.
  4. Pattern fill applies a two-colored design, comprising dots, cross-hatch, stripes, checks, and more, along with options to choose foreground and background colors for your pattern.
Apply fills

Apply a solid fill to object

1. Tap your object on the slide to fill a color and choose  Format  option.
This will open different formatting options of the chosen object at the bottom.
2. Tap  Fill  from the list and tap again on the Fill type dropdown to choose  Solid Color.
3. You can now select your preferred fill from the below band of colors:
  1. Theme Color (top band) is a set of colors based on the active theme applied to your presentation. The second band immediately below this contains a variation of theme colors.
  2. Standard Color  is a set of colors most often used by other users.
  3. More Colors comes with several color schemes on a Color Wheel.
4. Once your color is applied, you can use the  Transparency slider to adjust its transparency.
Drag the slider left or right to reduce or increase the transparence of the color. The percentage of transparency can be varied from 0% (fully opaque, the default setting) to 100% (fully transparent).

Apply a gradient fill to object

1. Tap your object on the slide to add a gradient and choose  Format  option.
This will open different formatting options of the chosen object at the bottom.
2. Tap  Fill  from the list and tap again on the Fill type dropdown to choose  Gradient Colors.
3. Set the gradient style as LINEAR or RADIAL or ANGULAR.
  1. Linear:  The most common gradient, where two or more colors appear at opposite points along the horizontal or vertical diagonals of the slide, and blend into each other.
  2. Radial:  Creates an effect where the transition between two or more color stops in a circular pattern, with the colors starting from a center position, then merging into other colors towards the edge of the slide.
  3. Angular:  Creates an effect where the transition between two or more color stops based on the direction and different angle values set using the rotating handle.
You can further choose lighter or darker shades of the preset color that you want to apply from the Gradient gallery. 

4. Tap  Options to make any of the below changes to the applied gradient style properties. 
  1. Add, edit, and delete gradient points  - Add new gradient points, edit their color/transparency, and remove them from the Gradient Scale as you wish.

    To add or delete a gradient point,
    1. Tap a location on the Gradient Scale or the Plus    icon above the scale. 
    2. Drag and move the points over the scale.
    3. Tap the Minus    icon to remove the selected point.
  1. Change Gradient Colors - This is similar to making a color selection for Solid Fill, except that the gradient color you select will be applied to a portion of the slide instead of the complete slide.

    To change gradient color,
  1. Select the desired Start or Stop handle on the Gradient Scale.
  2. Tap  Change Colors to choose the color you want.
Adjust the transparency  -  You can now adjust the transparency of each gradient point using the Transparency slider, so that your slide is visible through the applied gradient. 

To do this, tap Change Colors  and use the slider to increase or decrease the transparency. You can vary the percentage of transparency from 0% (fully opaque, the default setting) to 100%(fully transparent).

Set Gradient angle - Gradient angle lets you set the direction/angle/starting point of the gradient color within your slide and it applies ONLY for Linear and Angular gradient style.

To set the gradient angle,
Tap a gradient point on the Gradient Scale and use the Angle slider to set the required angle of rotation.

Gradient fill

Apply a picture fill to object

1. Tap your object on the slide to fill a picture and choose Format option.
2. Tap  Fill  from the list and tap again on the Fill type dropdown to choose  Picture.
3. Select your desired picture style from the horizontal scroll list.
You can also tap  Change Picture to add your own picture from your device's gallery. 
4. Edit to make more changes to picture fill properties. 
  1. Tile image - Tap the  Tile checkbox to make repeated tile patterns of the selected image. By using this option you can make any picture behave like a texture on the slide and when deselected, this ensures that your selected picture is used as  one picture and stretches throughout the slide.
    Moreover, there are four ways to move the starting point of the tile texture within the slide:  Offset X, Offset Y, Scale X and Scale Y.
    1. Offset X and Offset Y balance the alignment of the fill within the slide.
    2. Scale X and Scale Y resize the fill horizontally and vertically.
  1. Adjust picture fill alignment  - Adjusts the alignment of the picture fill within the slide. This option is visible when you uncheck the  Tile checkbox. Again, there are four offset adjustments (left, right, top, and bottom ) available in percentage values that enable you to adjust the picture edges along the slide edges.
  1. Set picture transparency  - Move the Transparency slider to reduce or increase the transparency of the slide's picture fill. You can vary the percentage of transparency from 0% (fully opaque, the default setting) to 100% (fully transparent).
Picture fill

Apply a pattern fill to object

1. Tap your object on the slide to apply a pattern and choose Format option.
2. Tap  Fill  from the list and tap again on the Fill type dropdown to choose  Patterns.
3. Tap  Presets to choose your preferred fill pattern.  
4. You can choose the foreground and background colors for the chosen pattern using the  Foreground Color and Background Color options. This is similar to making a color selection for solid fill.
5. Make any other changes to the picture fill properties as follows:
  1. Scale or adjust pattern's distance  - Stretches or shrinks the pattern fill within the object and helps create unique pattern styles on the slide. 
    Use the Scale slider to increase or decrease the distance between the pattern fills. Note that scaling does not apply to the size of the object.
  2. Rotate pattern within object  - Rotates just the pattern fill within the object. Use the rotation slider to set the desired rotational value (in degrees). 
Pattern fill

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