To apply custom filters:
1. Click on Custom Filter from the drop down menu.
2. Custom Filter lets you choose your condition according to which the data must be filtered.
Depending upon the data type chosen, the options that are used to set the conditions or criterion for filtering vary.
When the data entry is numerical, the options provided are as follows:
Is greater than - Displays all numbers greater than the chosen value.
Is greater than or equal to - displays numbers greater than or equal to the chosen value.
Is less than - displays numbers less than the chosen value.
Is less than or equal to - displays numbers less than or equal to the chosen value.
If the fields or data to be filtered consist of text fields, you can use the following criterion for filtering.
Does not equal
Begins with
Does not begin with
Ends with
Does not end with
Does not contain
Does not match
If you choose "contains" from the custom menu, it displays all the fields that hold the particular phrase entered as criterion.
You can also use custom filtering with dates as sorting criterion. The options that are available to filters in the form of dates include:
On or after
On or before
The given conditions can be used to filter and display only those dates that follow the set criterion.