Archive epics

Archive epics

Once all the work items are completed in the epic, you can move the epic to 'Archive' section. You can view them anytime in the future. 

Available plans: Professional plan
Accessibility: Only Admin and manager can archive epics. 
  1. Navigate to  Epics.
  2. Click   to the left of your Epic Name
  3. Select Archive.  

Note: Once you archive an epic, you cannot add or associate work items to it. 
View all archived epics
  1. Navigate to  Epics.
  2. Choose   next to Filter.
  3. Select All Archived Epics.
Activate epic
You can make an epic active from the archived epics section. 
  1. Navigate to Epics.
  2. Choose All Archived Epics from Other Actions.  
  3. Select   next to the  Epic  Name.
  4. Click Active.