Associating automation tools with your Signup Form

Associating automation tools with your Signup Form

The automation tools are an advanced option to push contacts joining via the signup form to different entities and perform different actions on them. All you have to do is associate the signup form to those entities, by following the steps below:

Push to Workflow

Associate a workflow to your signup form to perform a lot of different actions on the contacts joining via this signup form. Once associated, contacts will automatically be pushed to the workflow and the specified actions will take place.

User Scenario

Mia runs an e-learning site that offers courses like French, German, Japanese. She creates a signup form for each of the courses and wishes to offer the French learning contacts with a few additional learning materials for the current month. Let us look how workflow helps her do this.

Mia creates an activity-based workflow and associates it to the the signup form created for the French course. This activity-based workflow assigns the tag "French Contacts_offer" with the lead score of 10 to every contact coming in that month.

To associate workflow:
  1. Select Contacts from the Navigation bar and choose Manage Lists.
  2. Select the desired mailing list.
  3. Click Forms subtab.
  4. Select the desired signup form.
  5. Click Show advanced options.
  6. Click Push To Workflow.

  7. Select an activity-based workflow to be associated witht the form and click Associate.

Note: You can only have one workflow associated to the signup form, at a time.

Disable Workflow

You can pause a workflow when you don't need the actions specified to take place on the contacts. To pause the workflow:
  1. Select the signup form for which you want to disable the workflow.
  2. Use the toggle to disable the workflow.

  3. You can also view the workflow reports.

Push contacts to Zoho CRM

This option enables you to push the contacts joining via this signup form to your CRM account and store them as a contact or a lead. Before pushing your campaign status to CRM, make sure you have created a text area field exclusive for Campaigns status in Contacts or Leads module.

  1. Select Contacts from the Navigation bar and choose Manage Lists.
  2. Select the desired mailing list.
  3. Click Forms subtab.
  4. Select the desired signup form.
  5. Click Show advanced options.
  6. Click Push to Zoho CRM.

  7. Select the Zoho CRM account and the module to which you want to push the contacts.
  8. Click Save after mapping fields between CRM and Campaigns.

Disable Push to Zoho CRM

You can pause the action for a certain period when you do not need to push the contacts to CRM. To pause the action:
  1. Select the signup form for which you want to disable the workflow.
  2. Use the toggle to stop pushing the contacts joining via the form to Zoho CRM.
  3. You can also view the report of the action.

Custom Tracking Text

You can add a unique custom tracking text in the pages where you've published your signup form. Using the text, you can gain insights on the performance of the form in each of your pages. For example, if you add the text 'Home' in the code that you'll embed in the homepage of your website, you'll get a tracking script exclusively for your homepage. You can track the conversions from your homepage using the report.

To add the tracking text:
  1. Select Contacts from the Navigation bar and choose Manage Lists.
  2. Select the desired mailing list.
  3. Click Forms subtab.
  4. Select the desired signup form.
  5. Click Show advanced options.
  6. Click Add Tracking Text.
  7. Enter the text and click Save.

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