Associating Other Records

Associating Other Records

Attach Documents

To attach documents

This feature allows you to attach documents, spreadsheets and presentations to leads. You can attach them in the following ways:

Associate Leads

To create leads

  1. In the
    Record Detailspage, the existing lead details, if any, are displayed.
    • Click NameCompanyEmailLead Source, or Status links to sort the display order of the records.
    • Click the relevant Edit or Del link to modify or delete the leads respectively.
  2. Click the New link.
  3. Enter the lead details.
  4. Click Save.

Associate Contacts

To create contacts

  • In the
    Record Detailspage, the existing contact details, if any, are displayed.
    • Click Contact NameEmailPhoneMobile, or Fax links to sort the display order of the records.
    • Click the relevant Edit or Del link to modify or delete the contacts respectively.
  • Click the New link.
  • Enter the contact details.
  • Click Save.

Add Tasks, Events & Calls

To create tasks or events

  1. In the
    Record Details
    page, the existing task or event details, if any, are displayed.
    • Click SubjectActivity TypeStatusDue Date, Start Date Time, End Date Time or Owner Name links to sort the display order of the records.
    • Click the relevant Edit or Del link to modify or delete the task/event respectively.
    • Click the relevant Close link to close the task.
  2. Click the New Task/New Event/Log a Call link and specify the relevant details. See Also List of Standard Fields
  3. Click Save.
  • Once the activity is complete, you can close the activity using the Close link.

Send Emails

To send emails

  1. In the
    Record Details
    page, the existing email details, if any, are displayed.
    • Click Sent Or ReceivedSubjectDateSent By or Source links to sort the display order of the records.
    • Click the relevant Del link to delete the mail details.
  2. Click the Send Mail link.
  3. In the Send Mail page, compose the email message and send it.
  • You can select the email template while composing the email.
  • In the Free Edition, you can send individual emails based on the total number of confirmed and active users, i.e. 50 x total confirmed and active users.
    For example, you have 3 active and confirmed users in your organization's account. Then the total number of individual emails that a user can send per day, per organization will be up to 150 (50 x 3) emails.

Add Notes

To add notes

  1. In the Record Detailspage, the existing note details, if any, are displayed.
    • Enter the content for the note in the text box.
    • Click the Add a Title link, if required.
    • Click Save.

Associate Campaigns

To add campaigns

  1. In the Record Details page, the existing campaign details, if any, are displayed.
    • Click Campaign NameStatusTypeStart DateEnd DateExpected Revenue, Budgeted Cost, or Member Status links to sort the display order of the records.
    • Click the relevant Edit or Remove link to change the member status field or remove the campaign association from the record respectively.
  2. Click the Add Campaigns link.
  3. In the Add Campaigns to Leadpage, do the following:
    • Choose the campaign member Status from the drop-down list. See AlsoCustomize Campaign Member Status
    • Select the check box(es) of the campaigns that you want to associate to the lead.
  4. Click Add to Lead.

Associate Deals

To create deals

  1. In the Record Details page, the existing deal details, if any, are displayed.
    • Click Deal NameAmountStageProbability (%)Closing Date, or Type links to sort the display order of the records.
    • Click the relevant Edit or Del link to modify or delete the deals respectively.
  2. Click the New link.
  3. Enter the deal details.
  4. Click Save.

Associate Products

To add products

  1. In the Record Details page, the existing product details, if any, are displayed
    • Click Product NameProduct CodeProduct ActiveManufacturerSupport Start Date, or Support Expiry Date links to sort the display order of the records.
    • Click the relevant Del link to delete the record.
  2. Click the New link.
  3. Select the check box(es) corresponding to the product.
    Note, that the products will be available in the list only if you add them using the Products module.
  4. Click Add to [Module].

Associate Quotes

To create quotes

  1. In the Record Details page, the existing quote details, if any, are displayed.
    • Click SubjectQuote StageValid Till date, or Carrier links to sort the display order of the records.
    • Click the relevant Edit or Del link to modify or delete the quotes respectively.
  2. Click the New link.
  3. Enter the quote details.
  4. Click Save.

Associate Sales Orders

To create sales orders

  1. In the Record Details page, the existing sales order details, if any, are displayed.
    • Click SubjectStatusCustomer No., Due DateExcise Date, or Sales Commission links to sort the display order of the records.
    • Click the relevant Edit or Del link to modify or delete the sales orders respectively.
  2. Click the New link.
  3. Enter the sales order details.
  4. Click Save.

Associate Invoices

To create invoices

  1. In the Record Details page, the existing invoice details, if any, are displayed.
    • Click SubjectStatus, Invoice DateDue DateExcise Date, or Sales Commission links to sort the display order of the records.
    • Click the relevant Edit or Del link to modify or delete the invoice respectively.
  2. Click the New link.
  3. Enter the invoice details.
  4. Click Save.

Associate Purchase Orders

To create purchase orders

  1. In the Record Details page, the existing purchase order details, if any, are displayed.
    • Click SubjectStatusTracking NumberDue DateExcise Date, or Sales Commission links to sort the display order of the records.
    • Click the relevant Edit or Del link to modify or delete the purchase orders respectively.
  2. Click the New link.
  3. Enter the purchase order details.
  4. Click Save.

Associate Cases

To create cases

  1. In the Record Details page, the existing cases details, if any, are displayed.
    • Click SubjectCase ReasonEmailStatusPriority, or case Type links to sort the display order of the records.
    • Click the relevant Edit or Del link to modify or delete the cases respectively.
  2. Click the New link.
  3. Enter the case details.
  4. Click Save.

Associate Solutions

To create solutions

  1. In the Record Details page, the existing solution details, if any, are displayed.
    • Click Solution TitleSolution NumberPublishedStatus, or Number of comments links to sort the display order of the records.
    • Click the relevant Edit or Del link to modify or delete the solutions respectively.
  2. Click the New link.
  3. Enter the solution details.
  4. Click Save.

Associate Price Books

To add price books

  1. In the Record Details page, the existing note details, if any, are displayed.
    • Click TitleNote ContentModified Time, Created Time, or Owner Name links to sort the display order of the records.
    • Click the relevant Edit or Del link to modify or delete the notes respectively.
  2. Click the New link.
  3. Enter the price book details.
  4. Click Save.

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