Basic Information

Basic Information

Super admins and admins can view and edit this information. Managers can only view this information. Staff members will not have access to this information.
The "Basic Information" page contains fundamental information about your business. You can view the information and edit applicable information by click  in the top-right corner navigating to Manage Business > General > Basic Information.  
Name of your Business - The business name you specify here is reflected in various places, such as the booking page and the customer portal. To edit this value, click the edit icon.

Email Address - The email address that customers can use to contact you or your business staff. This email address is displayed in the Booking Page and customers can email you for an appointment booking, rescheduling, or cancellation. This will also be listed as the "From" email address when customers receive email notifications about their bookings.

Contact Number - This refers to the official contact number for your business. The contact number is displayed in the Booking Page and customers can call you on the number specified here for appointment booking, rescheduling, or cancellation. 

Time Zone - The time zone specified here applies to your business timings. Zoho Bookings automatically converts the time zone for customers who book appointments in a different time zone.
Time Zone is selected while setting up the account, and can be changed only by the Zoho Bookings team on request basis.

Currency - The currency in which your services are charged. Currency conversions are handled by payment gateways by default.
Currency is selected while setting up the account, and can be changed only by Zoho Bookings team on request basis.

Start of the Week - Value specified here will be considered as the first day of the week. For example, If you select "Monday", Zoho Bookings will display Monday in the first column in the Calendar View

Time Format - Selected time format will be applied to all time values in Zoho Bookings. For example, when a customer is booking an appointment, all time slots will appear in the format selected here.

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