Best Practices for Lead Generation through Facebook Lead Ads

Best Practices for Lead Generation through Facebook Lead Ads

  1. Before you enable Facebook lead generation, make sure you have the necessary fields in the Leads module in CRM. Review the standard CRM fields such as Name, E-mail, Phone and Company we’ve automatically mapped on your behalf. You can edit mapping for all forms, specific forms or just for your active ads

  2. It is best to map each Facebook form field to a unique field in your CRM. If two Facebook form fields are mapped to the same field in CRM, then the information will be updated based on the field that last received an update from Facebook

  3. It’s mandatory to map a Facebook field with the Last Name field in Zoho CRM to initiate sync.

  4. To keep your sync active for all or a select few lead forms, make sure the toggle in the Lead Generation tab is always switched ON

  5. Whenever a new lead form is used for an active lead ad, we'll sync the default fields with your CRM. However, you'll have to manually edit mapping for custom questions by logging in to Zoho Social 

  6. When you configure this integration for the first time, you’ll have to manually push the leads from the last 90 days' active lead forms. You can do this by clicking on Add all Leads into CRM from the detailed view. Going forward, when your lead ads receive new leads, they'll be automatically pushed to Zoho CRM

  7. Click on the refresh icon to see the changes to the lead forms that were made directly from Facebook. 

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