Booking page

Booking page

The booking page is the web page where customers can book services, resources, or appointments with particular staff.

Types of Booking Page URLs  

It can be presented to customers in one of four ways: 
  1. Workspace Booking URL - All services in the workspace will be listed, and customers can choose the required service.

  2. Service Booking URL - A booking URL dedicated to a particular service, where the service is preset and cannot be edited.

  3. Staff Booking URL - A booking URL dedicated to a particular staff, where the staff is pre-selected and cannot be modified.

  4. Resource Booking URL - The booking URL is dedicated to a particular resource, where the resource is pre-selected and cannot be edited. 

Components of a Booking Page  

Each booking page (any of the four mentioned above) is broadly divided into the following four segments:
  1. Service - To select the required service
  2. Date, Time & Staff - To select the required date, time, and staff (if applicable)
  3. Your Info - Your information
  4. Confirmation - To confirm and finalize the appointment 

How the booking pages differ

  1. The major difference between the four types of booking pages mentioned above is that the Workspace Booking URL lets the customer select the service they need from all the listed services, while the rest of the booking pages are each dedicated to a particular service, staff, or resource, which means the service is pre-selected in these booking pages.

  2. When using the Service Booking URL, customers can select the slot for which they need the appointment.

  3. When using the Series Group Booking URL, the dates are already fixed, so customers can only view and book the pre-defined booking dates.

  4. When using the Drop-In Group Booking URL, the set of dates are already fixed, so customers can view and select one of the required date-time slots from the available set of choices.

  5. When using the Resource Booking URL, customers can select the Start Time and End Time to specify how long they want the resource.

  6. When using the Staff Booking URL, customers can select the required service offered by that staff. The rest of the information depends on the selected service. 
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