Broadcast a presentation on Zoho Show

Broadcast a presentation on Zoho Show

Zoho Show Broadcast allows you to deliver your ideas, and interact with participants across the globe. Presenters can share a slide deck with anyone at any moment over the web, and take comments and answer questions by the audience in real time using the chat panel. During the broadcast, you can pause the slide deck, re-invite participants, and switch to other applications, without interrupting the broadcast or displaying your desktop. To learn how to join a broadcast on Zoho Show as a participant, click here.

Requirements to broadcast

The following is required to broadcast your presentation on Zoho Show:
1. Create a user account with Zoho Show application.
If you already have a Zoho account, sign in using your username and password. Otherwise, click here to sign up with Zoho Show. You can also sign in with the following social media accounts: Google mail , Facebook , and linkedIn .

2. Make sure you're using an updated version of any of the following browsers.

Download latest Firefox browser        Download latest Internet Explorer browser        Download latest Safari browser        Download latest Google Chrome browser

Invite participants and start the broadcast

To start the broadcast, you first need to invite your participants, either by sending an email or sharing a broadcast URL. Invitees will have access to a synchronized view of the slide deck in their browser. Remember that only the document owner can broadcast the presentation. 

To invite your participants and start the broadcast,
1. Click the Share button in the top right corner and select Broadcast from the menu.

Start broadcast in Zoho Show

2. Invite your participants either by sending an email or by sharing the broadcast URL link.
  1. To invite using email address: Click Invite Participants  icon on the right panel, enter the email address of the participants inside the text box and click plus  icon. You can also type a personalized invitation message for your participants before sending the invite by clicking the Edit Invitation Message button above the text box.

    Invite participants using email address.
  1. To invite using broadcast URL link: Click the Share  icon on the right pane to copy the highlighted broadcast URL within the box. Share the copied URL by pasting it into the blogs/websites or social media sites of the participants.

    Invite participants using broadcast URL
All participants will receive an invitation email containing the URL to join the broadcast. A pop-up message will appear on your screen when a participant joins the broadcast.
3. When you are ready to begin, click Start Broadcast to see the first slide appear on your broadcast screen.

First slide of broadcast presentation in Zoho Show
Invite during broadcast - If you have not invited your participants before the broadcast, you can invite them anytime while broadcasting using the "Invite Participants" icon on the right side panel.

Broadcast screen of the presenter

During a broadcast, a presenter can use various broadcast screen options, such as zoom in or out, view presenter notes, access timer, pen or marker tools, and much more. This helps make your presentation easier to understand,, more efficient, and more engaging by highlighting the fine areas of the slide and helping you traverse effortlessly between slides.
Here are the different broadcast screen options in Zoho Show: 
1. Right-side panel
Use the following features to move between slides, check your list of participants, and invite them during the broadcast.
  1. Next Slide: Click the   icon to take a look at what's coming next.
  2. Notes: Use the Notes pane to view your speaker notes while you deliver your presentation, and to keep track of the key points of your current slide. Click +/- to enlarge or reduce the size of notes.
  3. Slide Preview: Click  icon to get a thumbnail view of all your slides and to jump to a specific slide.
  4. List of Participants: Click  icon to check the list of participants watching the presentation.
  5. Invite Participants: Click  icon to invite your participants to join the broadcast. 

    Screen options for broadcast presenter in Zoho Show
 Toggle view - Use the  in the right corner of panel to hide the chat panel and get an enlarged view of the broadcast screen. 
2. Navigation panel (at the right bottom)
Use the following features to highlight specific elements of a slide:
  1. Zoom: Use  icon to enlarge a particular detail in your slide.
  2. Pointer: Arrow or Pointer: Use   icon to point to details or major areas of the slide.
  3. Pen or Highlighter: Use    icon to write or highlight on your slides as you present.
  4. Go to slide: Use Go to icon to jump to any slide during the presentation.
  5. Right and Left arrow: Use    icon to move to the previous or next slide in the presentation.

    Navigation panel for broadcast presenter
3. Tracking panel (at the top right)
You don't have to use your own phone or watch to keep track of time. Let our timers keep you on track, down to the seconds. Pause, reset the timer, or stop the broadcast anytime.
  1. Timer: Follow the Timer to keep track of the time elapsed during your presentation. Once the presentation begins, the clock will start recording the amount of time spent on each slide. You can also click on the Pause  icon to take a break and click  to reset and resume again.
  1. Blackout: Click the Blackout button to freeze and mask the slide to help your participants focus on your narrative, rather than on the slide screen. To continue presenting, click Uncover.

Allow collaborators to present

As a presenter, you can give control to the collaborator during the broadcast. To allow collaborators to present, you need to share your presentation with your coworker. The Share option lets the document owner co-create the slide, review, and give control to the Shared participant (i.e. the Collaborator) to control and deliver slides during a remote session. To learn how to share the document with co-workers, click here. 
To allow a collaborator to present,
1. When your collaborator requests control, there will be a glowing List of participants  icon on the right panel.

Allow collaborators to present in Zoho Show broadcast session

2.  You can either click  to let the collaborator take control of the presentation or click  to reject the request.

Allow or Deny the request of the collaborator in Zoho Show broadcast.

3.  Once the collaborator finishes presenting, click the Revoke Control button to take back control.

Revoke control from the collaborator in Zoho Show broadcast.
The presenter can revoke (take back) control of the presentation from the collaborator at anytime.

Using chat panel to interact

The presenter and the participants can ask questions and share comments using the chat panel during a remote session on Zoho Show. 
To use the chat panel, 
Click the Participants  icon on the right panel, type in your replies or comments in the Chat panel (shown below), and click enter. All the active participants can view and reply to the questions in the panel.

Chat discussion with the collaborators in Zoho Show broadcast
The List of participants  icon on the right panel glows to indicate any active chat.

Presenting hidden slides

Sometimes, a presenter might want to keep certain slides hidden from the audience during broadcast because they are either meant only for a specific audience or they lack the time to discuss them completely. However, these slides will still appear in the presenter's window, and can be shown to participants as needed on Zoho Show. 
To present hidden slides during broadcast,
1. Click the Slide Preview  icon on the right panel and click on the hidden slide marked with the  icon to display. 

Present hidden slides in Zoho Show broadcast

2. Click Yes, proceed to show the slide to your participants or No, thanks to hide the slide from your participants. 

Proceed to present hidden slides in Zoho Show broadcast

Allow your participants to download presentation

People often wish to revisit concepts from a presentation days or even weeks after the talk has been delivered, but they don't have access to the slides, or the contact information of the presenter. Allowing participants to download the presentation can save them time and effort.
To allow people to download and save the presentation,
1.  Click Stop Broadcast at the top of the broadcast screen.

Stop broadcast in Zoho Show.
The audience will continue to see the last slide shown until you click Stop Broadcast.
2.  Click Allow to grant permission to your participants to download or save your presentation, or click Cancel to deny permission.

Allow participants to download presentation in Zoho Show broadcast
Download and save is only available for 30 minutes after stopping the broadcast.
3. Click Exit Broadcast session to quit the Broadcast window.

Exit from the session in Zoho Show broadcast.
Once the presenter exits the broadcast, the broadcast window will close, and the broadcast URL will expire. To start a new broadcast session, reopen the broadcast and invite participants using the new URL link.

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