Business hours in templates

Business hours in templates

Business Hours settings help you to calculate the task duration based on your settings. When you choose an existing project / task template for a real time project, all its tasks, milestones, forums and comments are shifted based on the Project Start Date Shift Date and its Business Hours settings.

Feature Availability: Premium and Enterprise plans

Calculation of task duration based on days

For a real time project, when you choose an existing Task template which has its START AFTER and DURATION set in days, based on Business Hours settings the weekends and holidays are automatically skipped while calculating the task Due date.

A task template has Task A with a Duration of 8 days and Start After as 12 days.


If you choose this template for an actual project with the Shift Date as September 14, 2013 (Saturday), the actual task Start date will fall on October 1, 2013 (Tuesday) and its Due date on October 10, 2013 (Thursday).

  • September 14, 2013 (Saturday), is considered as a working day as it is manually selected as a working day.
  • The task start and due dates are calculated by skipping the weekends and holidays.

Calculation of task duration based on weeks

If the START AFTER is set in weeks or months in the selected template, weekends and holidays are also taken into account, while calculating the task Start Date. However, if the calculated task Start date falls on a weekend, the next business day is set as the task Start date.
In a template, Task B has a Start After as 2 weeks and Duration as 9 days.


When you choose this template for a project with the Shift Date as September 14, 2013 (Saturday), the task Start date is supposed to fall on September 28, 2013 (Saturday). However, it is automatically moved to the next business day September 30 (Monday) and its Due date on October 10, 2013 (Thursday).

  • September 14, 2013 (Saturday), is considered as a working day as it is manually selected as a working day.
  • The task start and due dates are calculated by taking into account all the weekends and holidays.

Calculation of task duration based on hours

If you calculate task duration based on hours, only the scheduled business hours is considered while calculating the task Start date.
In a template, Task B has a Start After as 2 weeks, Duration of 49 hrs and business hours from 12:00 to 22:00 (10 hrs).


When you choose this template for a project with the Shift Date as September 14, 2013 (Saturday) 10:00 hrs, the actual task Start date will fall on September 30, 2013 (Monday)10:00 hrs, and its Due date on October 4, 2013 (Friday), 19:00 hrs.

  • The task start and end date are calculated by skipping all the weekends and holidays.
  • If you choose existing project templates, while creating an actual project, the Start and Due dates of task are shifted based on the Project Start Date.
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