Can I add multiple From addresses for outgoing mails?

Can I add multiple From addresses for outgoing mails?

Yes. You can add multiple From addresses for outgoing emails. Please note that these are only email addresses that would be displayed to the recipients. The actual outgoing email will be the one that you have originally configured.

By default, individual emails will be sent from your primary email address. In this case, it will be
However, you can setup POP/IMAP configurations to send individual emails from a different email address. Let's say Amelia, who is the CEO of Zylker Inc, wants a common organisation address to be displayed to her customers. For other specific marketing purposes, she wants the email address to be Keep in mind that when it comes to sending mass emails, they can only be sent from the primary email address

To add multiple FROM addresses:

  1. Click Setup > Personal Settings Email Settings
  2. Log into your Zoho mail account and setup a POP or IMAP account. Click here to setup POP account.
  3. Click here if you want to setup an IMAP account.
  4. Enter the email address and click Add.

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