Can I create multiple contacts for Leads (with Company as lead) in Zoho CRM?

Can I create multiple contacts for Leads (with Company as lead) in Zoho CRM?

No, we do not have an option to create multiple contacts for a lead in Zoho CRM. However, follow these alternative steps to do so:

1. Click the Leads module on the top left hand corner of the screen.
2. Create on + next to the Leads tab and enter a Company Name.
3. Create a custom field to specify that it belongs to the same company. Click here for more information.
4. Create a custom view to group leads which belong to the same company. Click here for more information.
5. Convert the lead into a contact.
6. Once the lead gets converted to a contact, you will get an option to associate it with the existing contact. Now all leads can be associated under the same account.

Note: You can also directly add leads into the accounts module from where you can add multiple contacts.

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