Can I create two leads under the same company account? If so, can all those leads be added as contacts to an Account?

Can I create two leads under the same company account? If so, can all those leads be added as contacts to an Account?

You can't directly add multiple leads/contacts under a single company in Zoho CRM.  
However, you can follow these steps to add multiple leads:

1. Create a lead with the company name. Click on the Leads tab, select the Company field and enter the company name.
2. Create a custom field to specify that the leads belong to the same company. Learn how to create custom fields. 
3. Create a custom view to group leads which belong to the same company. Click here for more information.
4. When you convert the lead to a contact, you will get a message asking if you'd like to associate it with the existing account.
5. Click Convert.
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