Can I publish posts with videos from Zoho Social?

Can I publish posts with videos from Zoho Social?

Follow these steps to upload one video along with your post:

1)  Click the New Post button from the Home screen or the Posts tab.

2) From the Publishing window that appears, click on the respective social icons to publish your video to the desired social channel(s). Zoho Social supports video uploading for the the following channels:
  1. Facebook Page
  2. Facebook Group
  3. Twitter Profile
  4. LinkedIn Company Page
  5. Instagram Business Profile
Please note that API limitations prevent videos from being posted to Google My Business, Instagram Personal Profile, and LinkedIn Personal Profile.

2) Once you've selected the social channel(s), click the camera icon at the bottom of the Publishing window and attach a video file from your computer.

3) Keep in mind that your video will be published to the selected channels only if they match the uploading criteria specified by each network— when you're posting via third-party apps. Please refer the table below to learn more about the uploading specifications when you're posting videos via Zoho Social:

  1. Please ensure video dimensions between 256x144 and 4096x2304 for LinkedIn.
  2. For Twitter, the video dimensions should be between 32x32 and 1280x1024.
Video upload is currently not available for Bulk Scheduler, and is not supported in the mobile app.

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