Canceled sprints

Canceled sprints

You can cancel the sprints that cannot be completed within the scheduled end date.

How to cancel the sprint?

You can cancel only the active sprints on your board.
  1. Navigate to Scrum Board.
  2. Select the sprint and click View Details.
  3. Click  in the upper-right corner of the Sprint Dashboard.
  4. Select Cancel.
  5. Move the pending work items either to the backlog or another sprint.

Where to view all the canceled sprints?

  1. Navigate to Reports
  2. Select Canceled Sprints from Sprints Report.
You can view all the canceled sprints in the project.

Replan sprint

You can replan an already started sprint from your board. This is used when the team feels that the work items in the sprint are not prioritized or if the team cannot commit to the planned work items. In this case, the team can replan a sprint and start it again. Once, you replan a sprint it is moved to the sprint plan. Learn more
  1. Click the sprint name and navigate to the sprint dashboard.
  2. Choose Replan at the right corner.

View release notes

  1. Navigate to Reports.
  2. Select Canceled Sprints
  3. Click View in the Release Notes column.

Export work items

Release notes are used to track the progress of the canceled sprints in the project. It displays the resolved and unresolved work items in the sprint. You can export the work items either as a CSV or a XLS file
How to export work items from release notes?
  1. Navigate to  Reports and select Canceled Sprints from Sprints Report.
  2. Click View in the Release Notes column.
  3. Click Export icon in the upper-right corner.
  4. Choose the file type and click Export.

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