Candidate Matches

Candidate Matches


Finding the perfect candidates for a job opening is now more straightforward than ever with Zia’s Candidate Matching. Zia understands candidates as humans with career profiles instead of a string of keywords. This enables her to find “the perfect match” for your job openings as she can match their experiences, skills and proficiencies with your requirements and grade them accordingly. 

With Zia’s help, you’ll be able to match and associate the right candidates exponentially quicker as you’re presented with a list of candidates that are graded and ranked based on how much they match with the job requirements.
Permissions Required: Only users with the “Associate Candidate to Job Opening” permission can access this feature.
Edition Required: Available for the Professional & Enterprise plans of both the Staffing and Corporate editions of Zoho Recruit.

Matching Candidates

To match candidates with your job openings,
  1. Go to the Job Openings module.
  2. Click on the job opening you want to match candidates with.

  3. Click on the  button.
  4. A list of candidates that match with the job opening (if any) will be displayed.
    Note: Only a maximum of 20 matching candidates will be displayed.

    Candidates are displayed by the descending order of their 
    Match Score.
    A candidate’s match score is calculated using their 
    Skills and Qualifications
    Skills have varied importances as some skills are preferred more than others.
  5. You can then do the following:
    1. Quick Associate
      1. Hover over the candidates card view and click on the Quick Associate button.

      2. Click on Associate.

    2. Bulk Associate
      1. In the list of matching candidates, click on the Associate All button to select all the candidates displayed in the list.
      2. To Select/Unselect the candidates you wish to, click on the checkboxes in their card view and click on Associate Now when you're done.

      3. Click on the Associate button to associate them with the Job Opening.

  6. To know more about the candidate, click on the Quick View icon.

  7. From the candidate record’s quick view, you can perform the following actions:
    1. Send an email to the candidate.
    2. Send an SMS to the candidate.
    3. Schedule an interview with the candidate.
    4. Submit the candidate to your client/hiring manager.


Before you start matching candidates with your Job Openings, make sure that;
  1. You have candidate records present in your Zoho Recruit database.
  2. Your candidate records match with the job opening’s domain and industry. 
    For example, if your job opening is for a 
    Software Developer and all your candidates have skills related to Sales & Marketing, Zia would be unable to find any matches. 
  3. The Skill Set you’ve associated with the Job Opening has skills defined as “Nice To Have” rather than “Must Have” in order to get candidate suggestions from Zia.

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