Check feed

Check feed

Check Feed Across Projects

  1. Navigate to the Feed tab in the top band to check the feed across projects in your company.
  2. By default, the feed will be loaded with the latest activities. You can find them under the Feed section in the main body of the screen.
  3. Click Status to look into the statuses posted recently by your peers.
  4. Click Activity Stream to have a track on your peers' activities on a daily basis and to know who is doing what. You can also go to a specific timeline to check upon someone's activity here.
  • Click the user profile in the feed to view all the activities of the user.
  • You can send a direct message to or chat or follow the user.

Check Feed for a Specific Project

  1. Click Projects in the top band and navigate to the project for which you would like to check the feed.
  2. Click the Feed module in the left panel.
  3. Check the latest activities that happened in that specific project in the default Feed section.
  4. Click the Status and Activity Stream tabs to check the recent statuses and the latest activities of the project users respectively

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