Checklist for Orchestly

Checklist for Orchestly

While performing a complex transition, the user will have to run through a lot of details. Checklist is an effective to-do list organizer which comes in handy to organize all these details in a single place.  

Business Scenarios

  1. Create inspection checklists to test software
  2. Verify and analyze manufacturing operations using checklists
  3. Create a product requirement checklist before the production begins
  4. Initiate Search Engine Optimization (SEO) checks before marketing
  5. Provide budgeting checklists to look out for expenses
Explore more business scenarios for checklists.

How to install a Checklist

To install Checklist:

  1. Navigate to   and select Extensions.
  2. Navigate to All Apps and select the Checklist for Orchestly extension.
  3. Click the Install button to view the extension details.
  4. Under General, choose your custom preferences for the extension.
  5. Click Install. 

Implementing a Checklist in Orchestly

To create a new checklist for a transition:

  1. Navigate to   and select Automation.
  2. Select an existing Blueprint or create a new one. Click on a transition to view the transition details in the right panel.
    • Under During,  check Widgets and click the Add button.
    • Under Select Widget dropdown, choose your checklist name.
    • Enter the checklist title. If you want to mandate an item, check the Mandatory  box.
    • You can add more items to the list by clicking the    icon.
  3. Publish the blueprint.

While performing this transition in a job, a pop-up with the created check list items will appear. You will only be able to proceed to the next stage when the mandatory items of the checklist are completed.  

  • Each checklist can hold 20 items.
  • The status of checklist items can be viewed along with job details even after the transition is complete.
  • You can also track the progress in the Activities section of Jobs.

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