Cloning an event

Cloning an event

Create a copy of an existing event in Backstage if you are hosting a series of similar events. During these instances, cloning an event saves you time, as you do not have to create an event from scratch. Just modify the necessary details and go live in an instant.

By default, all data will be copied to your new event. The information that gets replicated is as follows:
Data type
Cloned information
Event details
All the basic details you provided in the Event Details tab in the Microsite Builder.
Organizing team
Each member you invited as an organizer or staff in your original event will be automatically invited to your new event.
All sessions, along with their details.
Each speaker you invited in your original event will be automatically invited to your new event.
Ticket classes
The ticket classes with its associated data. The start date for ticket sales will be set to two days from the current date. The end date for sales will be set to the end date of the event.
Sponsor categories
All the sponsor categories and their benefits.
Website settings
The theme, favicon, page design, and languages you've chosen or added, and the microsite listing settings that you've selected in the original event.
Public channels
All the discussion channels that have public access permission.
All the event photos in the gallery without likes or comments.
Automated emails
All the automated emails that are trigged to be sent for any action. 
Content library
The presentations in the content library.
Design library
The images in the design library.
  1. Click the Events tab in the top bar of your portal.
  2. Click the dropdown for an event and click the Clone option. A pop-up will be displayed.
  3. Modify the title of the event, if necessary.
    Note: The source language of your event will be displayed below the Title text box. If you want to modify the source language, you can pick another language, or add a new one in the Event Details tab or the Design tab in the Microsite Builder, which can then be set as the source language.
  4. Modify the start date and time, if necessary.
  5. Expand the Preferences section. All the modules from the previous event will be preselected for you. Deselect any module if you do not want it to be copied into the new event.
  6. Click the Clone button.
  7. Once your event is cloned, click the Edit button in the pop-up in the bottom-right corner. This will open the Event Details tab of your new event where you can continue editing your event.


  1. Cloning an event copies all event data, except the attendee list, sponsor list, and hotel information.
  2. All sessions will be reset to the original state when you are cloning a running event or a completed event.
  3. Any changes made to a cloned event will not affect the original event.

You can only clone your events in the Enterprise and Ultimate plans.

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