


Collaborate with others to invite them as reviewers for your survey or to share your survey with them.

Invite Reviewer

Collaborate with others and give them access to the survey so they can review it and leave comments to improve the survey. Simply add their email address, send them an invite, and set a deadline for the review.

How do I...

How do I invite a reviewer for my survey?

  1. Click Advanced Options on the upper-right side of the survey builder.
  2. Click Invite Reviewer
    Invite reviewer for your survey
  3. Enter the email addresses of reviewers in the Add Reviewer box. Separate the email addresses with commas or type one address per line.
  4. Select a deadline from the Valid For list (7 days max.).
  5. Click Invite.


How do I modify the list of reviewers?

  1. Click Advanced Options on the upper-right side of the survey builder.
  2. Click Invite Reviewer
  3. Update the deadline for the review period in the Added ReviewerList. If the review period has already passed, mark it Expired.
  4. To delete a reviewer, hover over the name you want to delete and click .

Share Survey

Collaborate with your colleagues by making them co-owners of your survey. They will get access to edit the survey and to the analytics and reports after you publish the survey.

How do I...

How do I share a survey?

  1. Click Advanced Options on the upper-right side of the survey builder.
  2. Click Share Survey
    Share survey
  3. Type the email addresses of collaborators in the Add Collaborators box. Separate the addresses with commas or type them one address per line.
  4. Click Share.


How do I modify the list of collaborators?

  1. Click Advanced Options on the upper-right side of the survey builder.
  2. Click Share Survey.
  3. To delete a collaborator, hover over the name you want to delete in the Collaborator List and click .

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