Completed sprints

Completed sprints

This is a consolidated report of completed sprints. This report displays the sprint name, start date, actual and planned end dates, and completed estimation points. It includes an archived view of all the completed sprints in your project, displayed in a tabular format.

Team owner and Admin can measure the project progress by evaluating the completed sprints and the total estimation points. They can also refer the Release Notes . Even the sprint owner and member can view the completed sprints assigned to them.

How to view the completed sprints?

  1. Navigate to Reports.
  2. Choose Completed Sprints from Sprints Report.
  3. Click a particular sprint to view the sprint dashboard.
You can sort the Sprint NameEstimation PointsStart DatePlanned End Date, and Actual End Date.

If you are looking to reopen a sprint

  1. Click the sprint name and navigate to the sprint dashboard.
  2. Choose Reopen at the right corner.

Release Notes

All the details of the completed sprints are available in the Release Notes . You can view the sprint details like resolved and unresolved items, the completion date, and the status.

How to view release notes?

  1. Navigate to Reports.
  2. Choose Completed Sprints from Sprints Report.  
  3. Select a particular sprint.
  4. Click View in the Release Notes column.   

Export release notes

Release notes are used to track the progress of the completed sprints in the project. It displays the resolved and unresolved work items in the sprint. You can export the work items either as a CSV or a XLS file .

How to export release notes?
  1. Navigate to Reports and select Completed Sprints from Sprints Report .
  2. Click View in the Release Notes column. 
  3. Click Export icon in the upper-right corner.
  4. Choose the file type and click Export.

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