Configure Incoming Call Routing

Configure Incoming Call Routing

You can define what needs to be done when an incoming call is received. 
Either configure an IVR menu or Associate User to the call.
  1. Configure IVR - Interactive Voice Response is an automated system that interacts with prospects on your behalf and gathers inputs via key press. Various options can be configured for your customers and it can be routed to the Bigin Users accordingly based on the appropriate inputs. You can add multiple users to a single menu. When such is the case, you can specify the Ring Type
    They are of two types: 
    • Simultaneous Ringing - All users assigned, will receive the incoming call and any one of them can take it up.
    • Sequential Ringing - The users will receive the call one after the other. You can specify the number of rings for a user before transferring the call to the next user in line. This sequence can also be repeated if needed. 
  2. Associate User - You can associate users to take up the incoming call. This will not have any interactive menu available. 
IVR Menu Configuration:
Here you define what needs to be done for a keypress by the caller. 
For example, assign 1 for credit card and a user to take up the call. So when an incoming call is made by the customer and he wants to inquire about Credit Card, he can press 1 and the call will be assigned to the appropriate user. This comes under Level One of the configuration.

Now, consider this scenario:
Keypress 1 is for Credit Card. Once the customer presses 1, he should be presented with the following options 
1 for Credit Card balance 
2 to Generate Credit Card pin
3 to check reward points
4 for application status 


Keypress 1 for Credit Card will be level 1 and subsequent options will be level 2. You can add up to 5 such levels.

When user is busy or unavailable
Here you can specify the action to be performed when the user is busy or unavailable. You have 2 options:
  1. Send to Voicemail
  2. Inform the caller that the user is busy and decline the call.
Voice Configuration
Here you specify certain standard messages that the caller needs to hear such as welcome message, menu message, when the user is busy, when the user is unavailable. You can either enter the message as Text, upload audio file, or enter the Audio URL.

To configure Incoming Call Routing 
  1. Go to Setup > Phone.
    The Incoming call routing tab will be selected by default. 
  2. Click Configure against the phone number.

  3. You can do the following:
    1. Configure IVR menu
    2. Associate User
To configure IVR menu
  1. Click the Configure IVR menu radio button.
  2. Under IVR Menu Configuration, do the following:
    • Type the Keypress number. For example, 1.
    • Enter the content in the Menu text box. For example, Credit Card.
    • Select the action to be performed from the drop-down list. 
      You can configure another IVR menu or assign a user

    • If you assign more than one user to a menu, you can specify the Ring Type.
      You can choose from Simultaneous Ringing or Sequential Ringing.

    •  Choose the action to be performed when the user is busy or unavailable.
      You can choose from 
      • Send to voice mail.
      • Inform the caller that the user is busy & decline the call

  3. Setup Voice Configuration
    • Choose the voice format.
      You can choose from TextAudio FileAudio URL.
    • When Text is chosen:
      • Type the welcome
        The message you type here is what your caller will hear.
      • Specify the Menu Message.
        For example, Please select ${KeyPress} for ${menu}.
      • Enter the message for the caller when the user is busy.
      • Enter the message for the caller when the user is unavailable.

    • When the Voice configuration is chosen as Audio, do the following:
      • Choose the appropriate audio file, for welcome messagewhen the user is busy and when the user is unavailable
      • Enable the Include a file with a welcome message and IVR menus checkbox to add audio for Menu
    • When voice format is chosen as Audio URL, specify the URL for all the audio messages available.
  4. Click Save.  
To associate User
  1. Click the Associate User radio button.
  2. Add Users.
  3. Choose the Ring Type
  4. Choose what should happen when the user is Busy or Unavailable.

  5. Specify the appropriate Voice Configurations.
  6. Click Save.

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