Configuring Sync Settings

Configuring Sync Settings

Configure your sync settings to keep all of your campaigns and contacts updated across both applications.You can push campaigns to Recruits to update contacts and campaign member status.

To configure your sync settings,

1. Log in to Zoho MarketingHub.

2. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and click Sync services.

3. Under Zoho Recruit, click Active Syncs. 


4. Navigate to Settings tab.

5. Click the Edit icon beside MarketingHub to Recruit settings.

In the Push Campaigns reports to Zoho Recruits section, you may do the following,

  • Create Campaign in Zoho Recruits - Enable this option to push email campaigns created in Zoho MarketingHub to Zoho Recruits.

  • Update Campaign Member Status in Zoho Recruits - Enable this option to update the status of campaign members, such as opens, clicks, and bounces in Zoho Recruits.

  • Update Opt-out Contacts – Enable this option to update the opt-out contacts in Zoho Recruits who has unsubscribed from Zoho MarketingHub.

  • Push Member Status as Fields in Zoho Recruits - Enable this to push the status (opens, clicks, bounces) of the most recent five campaigns to a custom text area field of Contact or Candidate's details page. (Fields selected under Push Member Status will get updated with the email campaigns report and will overwrite the pre existing data.)

    •   Push Member Status as Fields in Zoho Recruits (Email Campaigns) - Enable this to push the status (opens, clicks, bounces) of the most recent five campaigns to a custom multiline area field of Contact or Candidate's details page. (Fields selected under Push Member Status will get updated with the email campaign's report and will overwrite the pre existing data.)

    • Push Member Status as Fields in Zoho Recruits (Autoresponders) - Enable this to push the status (opens, clicks, bounces) of the most recent five messages to a custom multiline area field of Contact or Candidates' details page. (Fields selected under Push Member Status will get updated with the autoresponder's report and will overwrite the pre existing data.)

6. Click Save.

1. You can configure different mailing lists for opened and clicked recipients so that you can have a clear idea as to why a lead is pushed into Zoho Recruits.
2. Avoid configuring the same mailing list across both modules(Candidates and Contacts) as it may lead to confusion as to which module a lead should be pushed.
3. If a lead from Zoho MarketingHub is missing the mandatory fields such as first name, last name, email address, etc.; then the lead will not be pushed to Zoho Recruits.
4. You can stop pushing the recipients' status (both open and click) to Candidates and Contacts modules of Zoho Recruits by disabling the button.
5. Lead data will be pushed only when a campaign is sent to the synced mailing list.
6. Leads already synced or added to Recruits will not be pushed.

Next Steps 

If you wish to push data to Zoho Recruit, click here.

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