Configuring the campaign content

Configuring the campaign content

Zoho MarketingHub provides some pre-designed email templates for you to use. Just pick an email template that meets your needs, and then make some modifications to personalize it for your company's voice.

If this is your first email campaign, we recommend starting with the basic templates. In addition to selecting a template, you can use the Template Editor to add design elements, such as images, text, buttons, anchor tags. Customize the layout of your emails with ease, using the drop down feature.

If you already have content, or want another way to add it, we do provide alternate options to add content.

HTML Editor - Select this if you want to send your campaign with visual images and logos. The recipient of your campaign must be using a browser/email client and device that support this format.

Text Editor - These are simple emails without images or logos. The purpose is to send your message without losing any content. Plain-text campaigns have a very high degree of deliverability (no lost content).

Import/Upload - With this option, you can import the HTML content for your email. You can browse and select the HTML file as well as any related images, and then upload them.

You can either import from your desktop or from cloud services such as Zoho Docs, Google Drive, and Dropbox, etc.

Recently Sent - If you have already sent email campaigns, you can use the content from a previous campaign as a template for your new campaign.

 Template Library

Why create the same template again and again? Save all your designed templates and build your own library. The next time you have to send a similar campaign, all you have to do is just choose the best template from your own creations.

Preview and test your email

Before you send email newsletters to your leads, read it aloud to yourself several times. Then, send a test email to a few of your colleagues for review. Ask them to proofread the email, check for grammatical mistakes, alignment issues, and test links to verify that they are redirected to the correct page.

While creating an email campaign, it is always recommended to first send a test mail to view how the message will look in the recipients’ inbox. It provides a last chance to identify the errors in the content, if any. There are two ways to send the test mail.

To send a test mail

  1. In Content preview page, go to Test email (On the right side of page).
  2. Select email address(es).
  3. Click Send Test Email .
  • You can send a maximum of 50 test emails per day. To increase the test email limit, contact .
  • You can add a maximum of 20 test email address in an organization.
  • At any time, you can send the test email to a maximum of 5 recipients out of the 20 email addresses added (Refer previous point).
  • Links (also includes header and footer links) and merge tags will not work in a test email.
  • A test email will be sent in two formats (HTML and Plain text). However a recipient of the actual campaign email will receive only one email.

Next Steps

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