Connecting website with web assistant

Connecting website with web assistant

Web assistant gives you insights into visitor activities on your website and user activities on your web applications. Activities can be anything from a visit to a CTA click on your website or web app.

Web assistant for websites

Connect your website with web assistant to see who visits your webpages and what activities they perform while on your pages. You can track the activities of both your leads and anonymous visitors.
When anonymous visitors subscribe and become your leads, their activities will be mapped alongside the activities they had performed while anonymous.

With web assistant, you can:

  • Monitor visitor behavior
  • Analyze visitor interests in your website, products, and services
  • Gain insights into your web traffic
  • Categorize target subscribers based on their activities and interests

Connecting your website

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Web assistant and select Websites .
  2. Click Connect my website in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Enter your website domain (e.g.,
  4. Click Proceed to generate a JavaScript code snippet.
Connecting website

Now that the code has been generated successfully, let's take a look at how to embed this code in your website.

Embedding code in your webpages

Once you've added your domain address, a JavaScript code snippet will be displayed.

  1. Copy the code snippet.
  2. Paste the code into the '<body>' section of the pages you want to track.

Tracking code

Here is what it looks like:

Embedding tracking code

Send code as an email

You can also have the code emailed to any relevant recipients:

  1. Click Send code as email in the top-right corner of the page.
  2. Enter the email address and content.
  3. Click Send .

Sending code as email

Once you've embedded the tracking code in your webpages, and as your pages start receiving visits, they will be listed under the Pages subtab.
If any of your page does not get listed under Pages in spite of adding the tracking code, you can use the Validate pages option to check if you've added the code correctly.

To validate pages:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Web assistant and select Websites .
  2. Select your domain.
  3. Click the Validate button in the top-right corner.
  4. Enter your webpage URL and click Check to confirm.
Validate pages

Creating tracking URLs for pages

Create multiple URLs for a page, each specific to different sources, so you can precisely track from where your visitors land on this page. These URLs will let you analyze the performance of your campaigns.

To create tracking URLs:

  1. Click Create tracking URL from the top-right corner.
  2. Fill in the following information:
    • Webpage - Select the page for which you want to create a tracking URL.
    • Medium - Select the medium of campaign.
    • Source - Select the source of campaign.
    • Campaign name - Enter your campaign's name. This field is not mandatory.
    • Campaign term - Enter campaign keywords. This field is not mandatory.
    • Campaign content - Enter campaign content if you want to differentiate between two similar campaigns. This field is not mandatory.
  3. Click Generate URL .
  4. Copy the URL and tag it along with your campaigns for precise tracking.
  5. Click Shorten URL if you want to generate a short URL.

Generated tracking URL

Grouping pages

You can group up similar pages. Put pages under a group manually or set up a criteria so the pages that match the criteria will be put under the group.

To create a group:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Web assistant and select Websites .
  2. Select your domain.
  3. Click the Pages subtab.
  4. Click the Groups option in the top-left corner.
  5. Click Create new group .
  6. Enter a name for your group.
  7. Check the Group based on criteria option if you want to add a criteria to the group. Set the desired criteria.
  8. Click Create .

Grouping pages

To put a page under a group manually:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Web assistant and select Websites .
  2. Select your domain.
  3. Click the Pages subtab.
  4. Select the pages you want to group.
  5. Click Associate to group on the top left corner.
  6. Select the desired group or create a new one.

Note: You cannot add a page to a group that has criteria.

Page visit reports

Once you've embedded the tracking code in your webpages, you can view a detailed report on the visitors to those pages.

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Web assistant and select Websites .
  2. Select your domain from the list view.
  3. Select the Pages subtab and select the page for which you want to view the reports.

From the Reports page, you can view overall reports and lead-based reports.

  • Overall reports

    Under the overall reports you will be able to get insights on the following:

    • Summary - Under this section, you will be able to view the total number of visits, number of known and anonymous visits.
    • Total visits to the page - This graph will show you the total number of known and anonymous visitors over time.
    • Source of visit - Under this section, you will be able to view the various sources of visits.
    • Location-based stats - This geo map will show you the regions where your page is receiving visits from.
    • User agents - Under this section you will be able to view the devices, OS, and browsers your visitors used to visit the page.

  • Lead-based reports

    Under lead-based report, you will be able to view the subscribers who have visited your page over a period of time (e.g., today, past 24 hours, past week, past month). You can click on a subscriber to see a detailed report on their actions and the time those actions were performed. From here, you can also mass update fields or export subscribers.

Page visit report

Setting up event tracking

Events are any user interaction with your website, like clicking a CTA, downloading a book, or submitting a form.

You can set up tracking in the following two methods:

  • By selecting the element directly from the webpage

    To do this:

    1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Web assistant and select Websites .
    2. From the Events subtab click Define event .
    3. Select the option to Select the elements directly from the webpage .
    4. Enter the page URL
    5. Select the element you want to track

  • By adding a JS snippet to the element

    Track events by adding a JavaScript event call to a particular element of your webpage. 

  • To do this:

    1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Web assistant and select Websites .
    2. From the Events subtab click Define event .
    3. Select the option to Add JS code snippet to the element .
    4. Enter the name of the event and have the JS event call generated.

    For instance, if you want to track the number of clicks on your Subscribe button, you need to add a JS event like this:

    <button onclick=”zcAction(‘clicked’)”></button>

    • "Onclick" is the JS event
    • "zcAction" will be called to track the action
    • "Clicked" is the action
    • The value is the button name

    When the JavaScript event is added to your Subscribe button, all clicks made on that button will be calculated and displayed under the Events sub-tab.

    This example is specifically for a click action. You can track other elements by adding a JavaScript event call based on that specific element.

    The elements you've defined will be listed under the Events subtab.

    Reports on events

    Once you've defined the events, you will be able to view their reports.

    1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Web assistant and select Website .
    2. Select your domain from the list view.
    3. Select the Events subtab and choose the event you want to view reports for.

    From the reports page, you can view Overall reports and Lead-based reports.
    • Overall report

      Under the overall reports you will be able to get insights on the following:

      • Summary - Under this section, you will be able to view the total number of times event was recorded, number of times event was recorded from known and anonymous visitors.
      • Number of times the event occurred - This graph will show you the total number of known and anonymous visitors who performed the action.
      • Location-based stats - This geo map will show you the regions from where the event occurred.
      • User agents - Under this section you will be able to view the devices, OS, and browsers your visitors used.

    • Lead-based reports

      Under lead-based report, you will be able to view the list of subscribers who have made the event occur over the present day, the previous day, past 24 hours, past week, past month, or past six months. Click on each subscriber to view a detailed report along with the date and time they became your lead. From here, you can also Mass update fields or Export leads .

Lead-based report for event

Next steps
  • Create website goals based on the activities your visitors perform on your website. 
  • Create smart pop-up for your webpages. 
  • Set up purchase abandonment for visitors who did not complete their purchasing process. 
  • View the overall report for your website from web assistant's dashboard 
  • Perform actions by creating missed goals for leads who miss your goal. 
  • Understand the overall setup for web assistant. 

Related topics 
Learn how to connect your web application with Zoho MarketingHub's web assistant. 

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