Contact Tags

Contact Tags

Tags are labels for your contacts that help you keep all your contact information organized. Give them a label, categorize, and keep them organized based on the information you have about them. In this guide, you'll learn about how you can use tags to keep your contacts organized.

Creating a new tag

  1. From the navigation toolbar, select Contacts and choose Contact Tags.
  2. Click Create New Tag. 
    create contact tag button
  3. Give your tag a name, a description, and a color. create contact tag page
  4. Click Create.

User scenario

Bill is a marketer for an ecommerce firm. He sells the products via retailers or by directly contacting the customers. He makes use of the contact tags feature and assigns tags to retailers based on their revenue and his customers based on their age groups. He creates tags like "Small-sized", "Medium-sized", and "Large-sized" for his retailers and "Men", "Women", "Kids" for his customers. Organizing the contacts has become much easier for Bill using Contact Tags.

Assign tags to Contacts

Tags can only be assigned to active contacts. You can assign many tags to a single contact. You have the option to tag wherever the contacts list view is available. You can manage tags from the contact list view, which you can access in the following sections:

Assign a tag from contact management

  1. From the navigation toolbar, select Contacts, and choose All Contacts.
  2. Select the desired Contact's name by checking the corresponding box.
  3. Click Assign Tags on top. 
    assign tags dropdown
  4. Choose a tag to assign. 
  5. If you want to create a new tag, click Add New Tag.
    add new tag
  6. Select the tags to be assigned and click Save.

Assign a tag from list management

  1. From the navigation toolbar select Contacts, and choose Manage Lists.
  2. Click the Contacts subtab at the top.
  3. From the list of all contacts, select the contacts to whom you want to assign the tag.
  4. Click the Assign Tags at top.
  5. Choose a tag to assign. If you want to create a new tag, click Add New Tag
  6. Click Save after selecting the tags.
  1. Even though you tag Contacts from a mailing list, it will apply to them across the organization.

Assign a tag from the Contact Tags module

  1. From the navigation toolbar, select Contacts and choose Contact Tags.
  2. Select a tag that you've created before.
  3. Click Assign Tag in the top right corner.
  4. You can choose one of the three options to add your contacts to the tag.
    • Existing Contacts- Assign the tag to contacts from any of your mailing lists.
    • New Contacts - Add up to maximum of 20 contacts at a time manually to mailing list and assign the tag.
    • Import Contacts - Import Contacts saved in your files, add them to a mailing list and assign the tag to them. assign contacts options

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