Create a new candidate

Create a new candidate

To create a new candidate form using Web Forms, follow the steps given below

  1. Navigate to Setup > Portal Setup > Web Forms.
  2. Under the Resume tab, click Create New Resume Form. An Untitled Form is displayed.
  3. Click Let's get started. The mandatory Last Name field is inserted into the form. Now you can drag and drop other required fields from the Field List into any desired position on the form.
  4. You can edit the field properties of selected fields by hovering your cursor over the field and clicking the Settings button.
  5. On the Field Properties pop-up you can change the label of the field, mark the field as a hidden field, mark the field as a required (mandatory) field or include a help link for the field. When you have finished editing click Done.
  6. You can delete unwanted fields by hovering your cursor over the field and clicking the Delete button.
  7. You can edit the button properties for the Submit and Reset buttons (they appear by default at the bottom of the form) by hovering your cursor over the buttons and clicking the Settings button.
  8. In the Button Properties pop-up, you can change the label for the Submit and Reset buttons. Click Done after making changes.
  9. You can even edit section names. Hover your cursor over the section and click the Settings button. In the Section Namepop-up, change the name and click Done.
  10. If you want to insert a captcha in the form, click the Advanced Tools tab on the left. Drag and drop the captcha onto the form.
  11. Using the toolbar above the form content you can modify the appearance of the form.
  12. You can change the name of the form by hovering your cursor over the form name and clicking the Edit icon. Simply type the desired name.
  13. Use the Preview option on the toolbar to preview how the form will be displayed on the web.
  14. Once you have completed editing as necessary, click Next Step.
  15. You will be asked to specify the following form details.
    • Form Name: This is a mandatory field. You need to specify a name for the form. You can use the same name you specified in the previous page. 
    • Landing page URL: You can specify a URL to which the candidate will be redirected once he submits his details. If you are going to use this form on your careers website, then leaving this field empty would redirect the candidate back to the careers website.
    • Form Location: This is the URL of the web page on which this form will be hosted. If the form will be hosted on multiple web pages, enter an * in this field. 
    • Assign Owner: This is again a mandatory field. You can either assign an owner for candidates registered through this form by selecting Choose a user and selecting a user from the drop-down list or, you can select Choose a
    • Resume Assignment rule and select an existing Assignment rule or create a new one by clicking Create Assignment. 
    • Notify Candidates Owner: Enabling this notification will send out an email notification to the owner of candidates registered through this form. You can select an existing email template or create a new one by clicking Create an Email template. 
    • Acknowledge Resume: By enabling this notification candidates who register their details and resume will receive a mail acknowledging receipt of the same. You can acknowledge receipt Using an existing Auto response rule or create a new one by clicking New Rule, or you can Choose a default response for all visitors by using an existing email template or create a new one by clicking Create an Email template.
    • Request for Approval: By activating this option, all resumes collected through this form will have to be approved before being made part of the database.
    • Click Save when you have entered details and selected needed options.
  16. An Embed Options dialog box is displayed with codes which can be used embed the form on your site and on various social platforms. Use these codes to embed this candidate form as necessary.

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