Create and Manage a Version

Create and Manage a Version

Keep track of every edit made by you and your collaborators using the versioning system. Versioning is helpful when several people work on the same presentation and when it goes through several stages of reviewing and commenting. A version is essentially a saved instance of a presentation at every edit made by the collaborator. Every version contains details such as the time when it was created, the user who created it, and the description. Whenever you or your collaborator makes a change to the presentation, a new version is created for it.  

A version is created in the following situations: 
  • When a presentation is created or imported for the first time into Zoho Show. 
  • When the properties of the presentation are changed.
  • When the presentation is opened, edited, or saved 
  • When a presentation is checked out, changed, and then checked back in.

Create a New Version

Manually create new versions to describe the current state of your presentation and keep track of them for future reference.  
To create a new version,
1. Select the REVIEW mode in the right pane and choose Versions. 

2. Enter the version name and description into the text box, such as "final draft" or "rough draft," and click the Create a New Version button.

The newly created version will appear at the top of the version list.

View Version History

View every change made to your presentation by each collaborator since the document was created under the Version History pane. This pane lets you view the previous versions without overwriting your current version. Each version in the list is distinguished by time stamps starting from the date of creation and if needed you can revert to earlier versions, which were created an hour or even two ago. 
To view version history,
1. Select the REVIEW mode in the right pane and choose Versions. 
From here, you will see a list of all the saved versions of this presentation. 


Every version in the list will contain:
  • The User Name and Time Stamp, which indicates who changed the file and at what time.
  • The Version Number, which contains a sequential number for each version as they are created. For example, version 1 is the first version that you created or uploaded, version 2 is when the file was edited the second time, and so on.
  • Select the  button to restore the current version to the previous version.
2. Select the Time Stamp to open a preview of the chosen version.
From here, you can play the presentation as well as Zoom In to highlight specific content in the window.

Revert to a previous version

Sometimes you may find that larger or multiple mistakes are made in your presentation. In such case, you can use the Revert  feature to move your presentation back to a previous version of choice and undo everything that has been done since that version was saved.
To revert to a previous version,
Select the Review mode in the right pane and choose Versions. Locate the version you wish to use from the version list, then select the Revert.

The reverted version will be moved to the top of the version history and become part of the version history. Reverting is not possible if the file is under active collaboration.

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