Create epic

Create epic

Now that you know the benefits of creating an epic, it's time to create one. 
  1. Navigate to Epics from the left panel.
  2. Select Create Epic, if you haven't created any epics yet. Otherwise, select  + Epic in the top-left corner if you have already created epics.
  3. Enter the Epic Name, select the Epic Owner, give it a Description, and select a Color for your epic.
  4. Click Create.
  • Only the Admin and Project Manger can create an epic.
  • Epic is available in our Professional plan.
  • You can add a maximum of only 100 characters to your epic name.
  • You can add a maximum of only 250 characters to your epic description.
  • You can only select the Admin or the  Project Manager as the epic owner.

Create epic from backlog

The other method to create an epic is using the Backlog screen.
  1. Navigate to Backlog  from the left panel.
  2. Select work items in bulk from the backlog or sprint.
  3. Click Associate Epic.
  4. Select Create New Epic next to the drop down to associate the selected work items.
  5. Click Associate.  

Did you know?

You can use the copy and paste functionality to generate your epics as a report in excel. Read more

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