Create Layouts

Create Layouts

Different departments in an organization provide different solutions. For example, the finance team handles reimbursements and producing pay slips. The marketing team organize product demos and roadshows. When a team needs to request these internal solutions, they usually draft long emails and it may take several conversations to get the ball rolling. This manual, roundabout process can eat up a lot of time.  With Orchestly, organizations can automate such processes in one go.

Layouts are online forms built to capture data from the users. These forms are filled by the users when they request solutions from your organization. 

Business Case

  1. You can create a Layout to automate the Recruitment process. It will serve as a request window when a new candidate needs to be hired.
  2. You can customize the layout by adding relevant fields and sections to it. This layout can also be configured to be accessed only by specific users (like managers).


Recruitment layout holds fields like Experience, Department, Due On, etc, which captures the data required to process the request.  

Once the layout is designed, the workflow can be drafted and automated using Blueprint.      

Create a layout  

  1. Navigate to    and select Customization from the left panel. 
  2. Click Add Layout. 
  3. Enter the details: 
    • Layout Name  : Enter a title describing the layout.  
    • Description  : Enter the details of your layout here.    
  4. Click the Advanced Options hyperlink.
    • Job ID Prefix  : The prefix mentioned here gets automatically appended to the job name during job creation. This is usually helpful in identifying and grouping the jobs created under the layout. Use letters, numbers, and symbols, up to a maximum of 4 characters. 
    •   Permissions :
      • Who can view Jobs in this Layout? 
        • Add individual users, roles, or teams to view this layout.  
        • If no selection is made here, the jobs will be visible to all the users.      
      • Who can add Jobs to this Layout?
        • Org users: Allow all users in the organization to create jobs using this layout.   
        • Specific users: Allow individual users, teams, or roles to create jobs using this layout.   
  5. Click  Save.   
Note  : The users selected here can also perform other operations in the layout according to their profile-based permissions defined in the  access control


When you click save, you will be redirected to the form. You can customize fields and sections relevant to the layout. 

Access Privileges  : By default, admin users can create layouts. If you want to allow any other profile to create layouts, enable the Settings option in Job Level Permissions under Access Control.   

Customize layouts  

You can customize the form by adding new custom fields or modifying the default fields present in it. 
  • The New Fields tray holds different types of fields supported by Orchestly. Drag and drop a field from the New Fields tray into the layout to create a new field.
  • The Available Fields tray holds the fields from previously created layouts. These fields can be reused in other layouts. 
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