Create your Profile

Create your Profile

Your profile helps your attendees find you, learn about you, and register for your presentations. You can add details about yourself (such as interests and skills), upload a photo, and display your published and future talks here. 

To create your profile:
  1. Click Settings in the left-hand panel.
  2. Select User Profile.

Upload a profile picture

Your picture will help your attendees easily identify your profile. You can either take a new profile picture, or upload an existing picture from your computer or a social media platform.

To take a new profile picture:
  • Click Change.
  • Select Take a Photo to take a picture with your device's built-in camera.
To upload an existing picture:
  • Click Change.
  • Select Upload Photo and select the location of your picture (your computer or a social media profile page).

Add profile details

  • Name
  • Designation (or occupation)
  • Organization
  • About Me: Write a few lines about yourself, your skill set, likes, dislikes, hobbies, or interests. You can also add quotes or anything else that could inspire your attendees.

Add skills

Help your attendees understand your areas of expertise by adding relevant skills, like project management or web design, to your profile.

To add skills:
  • Type your skills separated by commas, and press Enter. Or, click the Add icon to add each skill.
  • Click Save.
To remove skills:
  • Click the Delete icon next to a skill.
  • Click Save.

Add a URL

Let your attendees connect with you. Link your website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Google+ page to your ShowTime speaker profile page. Once your social media links are added, a green checkmark will appear above the linked account as shown in the image.

To remove a URL:

Click the X icon next to your social media link.
Click Save.

Edit your profile URL:

You might want to share your profile's URL on your blog, website, or social media to help your attendees find and learn about you. By default, ShowTime will automatically generate a unique profile number for you and include that number in your URL (for instance, To make it easier for people to connect with you, you can edit the URL so that it contains your name or a recognizable username instead of your profile number.

To edit your profile URL:

  • Edit the URL to a recognizable name, such as your name, so your attendees can easily connect with you. You can also share this URL with your attendees in your blog, website, and/or social media sites.
  • Hover over the box that holds the profile numbers.
  • Replace the number with your desired name. Note: this can only be edited once.
  • If the name you enter already exists in the system, you will be prompted to change it.
  • Click Save.

When you share this URL, your attendees will be able to view:
  • Your completed talks
  • The number of people who have viewed your profile
  • The number of people who have liked your profile
  • Your interests
  • Your About Me section
  • Your published talks

Complete your profile setup

Once you finish adding information to your profile, click Save to set up your ShowTime profile page.

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