Creating a New Post

Creating a New Post

Once you have connected your social channels to Zoho Social, you can get started by creating your first post—it's never been easier!  

Click New Post on the top right-corner of the Home tab or the Posts tab. 
At the top of the publishing window pop-up, you'll notice that all the social channels are selected by default, except for Instagram. If you don't want to share your post on one of these channels, simply click on the respective icon and the channel will be deselected from the publishing window.

Character limitations for social channels

The following table lists the maximum character limit for each channel as defined by respective social networks:

Social Channels
Character Limit
Facebook Page
Facebook Group
Twitter Profile
LinkedIn Page


LinkedIn Profile
Google My Business


  1. While composing a post or comment, press the Emoticon at the bottom of the text box then select an emoji to add it to your cursor location or you can use the keyboard shortcut (:) to add emojis. 

  2. A pop-up box will display your frequently-used emojis on top of the emoji menu. You can view up to 40 of your most-used emojis in the Frequently Used section.

You can add emojis from any text box within Zoho Social.

Tagging and @Mentions

We currently support tagging for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Follow these steps when you're tagging users on each network from your Publishing window:

  1. Facebook: To tag or @mention Facebook channels (Pages and Groups), use the '@' symbol followed by the name of the Facebook Page. A drop-down will display all the matching page suggestions for you to choose the right one. Select the correct page from the drop down, and click Done. Your tag will then appear on the Publishing window.

  2. Twitter: To mention Twitter Profiles in your posts, use the '@' symbol followed by the username and matching suggestions will appear in the drop-down for you to choose from. Once you select the correct profile and click Done, your tag will appear on the Publishing window.

  3. LinkedIn: To tag or @mention LinkedIn Pages, use the '@' symbol followed by the name of the Page. A drop-down will display all the matching page suggestions for you to choose the right one. Select the correct page from the drop down, and click Done. Your tag will then appear on the Publishing window.

  4. Instagram: You can tag Instagram Profiles in your post. However, matching suggestions will not appear when you use the @ symbol followed by the username. So, make sure you mention the correct username while tagging an Instagram profile.
You cannot @mention profiles and pages for Google My Business posts.


To include hashtags in your post add the # symbol followed by the tag. However, matching suggestions will not appear and they will be hyperlinked once you publish your post on the channel.

Twitter advises using no more than 2 hashtags per Tweet. Posting too many hashtags on the same post could be flagged as spam by Twitter. Zoho Social will also indicate you to reduce the number of hashtags if you try posting more 10 hashtags in a single tweet.

Hashtags posted to your Google My Business listing will not be hyperlinked.

Creating Posts with Media Attachments

Zoho Social lets you add media attachments when you're publishing your posts to different social channels. However, there are varying limitations for each network when it comes to posting links, images, GIFs, and videos. 

The table below lists out the features supported for each social network and the limitations for posting to each.

Social networks
Thumbnail preview for links
Video upload
Facebook Page
Facebook Group
LinkedIn Page
LinkedIn Profile
Google My Business
Instagram Business Profile
Instagram Personal Profile

* Facebook removed the ability to customize link attachments. That means, a thumbnail will be automatically set for the link, which you cannot edit. To customize the thumbnail image of the links before you publish them to your Facebook page, you'll first have to verify your domain on Facebook.
When you type/paste a link to the Publishing window, it will automatically be shortened using our link shortener, zurl. You can also choose to integrate your Bitly account with Zoho Social and set it as your default link shortener. Learn more about setting up URL shorteners.

Thumbnail Previews

Thumbnail previews are automatically generated when you type/paste a link in the compose screen. This reflects how your audience would view your post if you share the same link natively from the social channel. 

  1. Facebook: On Dec 18, 2017 Facebook removed the ability to customize link attachments. That means, a thumbnail will be automatically set for the link, which you cannot edit. To customize the thumbnail image of the links before you publish them to your Facebook page, you'll first have to verify your domain on Facebook.

  2. Twitter: Due to Twitter's API restrictions, we can't show thumbnail previews for Twitter in the Publishing window. However, your published post will have a thumbnail preview automatically generated from the link.

  3. LinkedIn: When the link you add to the Publishing window has multiple images, you can navigate and select a different thumbnail image by clicking the arrows.

Uploading Images

Follow these steps to upload images:

1) Click the New Post button from the Home screen or the Posts tab.

2) Click the respective social icon(s) that appears at the top of your Publishing window to post images to the social channel(s) of your choice. While you can publish images to all connected social channels, Zoho Social supports multiple image publishing only for Facebook and Twitter.
Due to API restrictions, you can add only one image when you publish posts to an Instagram Business Page, Google My Business, LinkedIn Company Page, and LinkedIn Profile. Learn how publishing and scheduling works for Instagram Personal Profiles.

3) Click  at the bottom of the Publishing window and attach images from your computer.

When you're publishing to Twitter, you can choose to either add multiple static images (JPEG or PNG, up to 3MB each), a video file, or a single GIF.

4) Keep in mind that the selected image(s) will be published to the selected channel(s) only if they match the uploading criteria specified by each network— when you're posting via third-party apps like Zoho Social. Each network has different upload requirements, so we've put together a table for you to check whether your image specifications match with each network’s upload criteria:

Social Channels



 Aspect Ratio

Facebook Page

15MB/1MB for


600 x 315 pixels - 1200 x 630 pixels (recommended)


Facebook Group
15MB/1MB for
600 x 215 pixels- 1200 x 630
pixels (recommended)

Instagram Personal Profile

Any size


Instagram Business Profile


Landscape: 1080 x 566 pixels 
Portrait: 1080 x 1350 pixels
Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels
Landscape: 1.91:1
Portrait:4:5 Square: 1:1

Twitter Profile


Minimum: 4 x 4 pixels
Maximum: 2048 x 2048 pixels

Ideal: 2:1

Minimum: 1:1

LinkedIn Company Page


Maximum: 33,000,000 pixels


LinkedIn Personal Profile


Maximum: 33,000,000 pixels


Google My Business 


 250 x 250 pixels - 3000 x 3000 pixels


We don't currently support tagging users on images for any social channel. Learn more about sharing image links on Zoho Social.

Video Upload

Follow these steps to upload one video along with your post:

1) Click the New Post button from the Home screen or the Posts tab.

2) From the Publishing window that appears, click on the respective social icons to publish your video to the desired social channel(s). Zoho Social supports video uploading for the the following channels:
  1. Facebook Page
  2. Twitter Profile
  3. LinkedIn Company Page
  4. Instagram Business Profile
Please note that API limitations prevent videos from being posted to Google My Business, Instagram Personal Profile, and LinkedIn Personal Profile.

2) Once you've selected the social channel(s), click  at the bottom of the Publishing window and attach a video file from your computer.

3) Keep in mind that your video will be published to the selected channels only if they match the uploading criteria specified by each network— when you're posting via third-party apps. Please refer the table below to learn more about the uploading specifications when you're posting videos via Zoho Social:

Social channels


Supported formats


Maximum size

Minimum size

Aspect ratio

Facebook Page

140 seconds


Minimum: 120 x 120 pixels



Facebook Group
140 seconds
Minimum: 120 x 120

Twitter Profile

5-140 seconds


Minimum: 32x32 pixels
Maximum: 1280x1024 pixels


Minimum: 1:3 Maximum: 3:1

LinkedIn Page

140 seconds


Minimum: 256 x 144 pixels Maximum: 4096 x 2304 pixels



Minimum: 1
Maximum2.4 (1:2.4)

Instagram Business Profile

3-60 seconds


Maximum columns (horizontal pixels): 1920



Minimum: 0.8  Maximum: 1.78
  1. Please ensure video dimensions between 256x144 and 4096x2304 for LinkedIn.
  2. For Twitter, the video dimensions should be between 32x32 and 1280x1024.
Video upload is currently not available for Bulk Scheduler, and is not supported in the mobile app.

Saving Posts as Drafts

You can always choose to save your content and work on it at later on, by clicking the Save as Draft icon from the Publishing window.

Learn more about managing drafts on Zoho Social.

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