Creating and Using Sandbox

Creating and Using Sandbox

As your organization grows, so does the complexity in your recruitment processes. At such a point, any small error in a process could cause a domino effect. To help overcome this trouble, Zoho Recruit brings to you the Sandbox, an environment to test your Zoho Recruit settings before you can take it to your production setup. This way, you can feel much safer about the changes in your settings, as you can now test them, identify issues, and fix them before you take them to your actual working system.

Points to remember:

  1. Currently, Sandbox will allow deployment to production for Profiles, Roles, Data Sharing Settings, Groups, Multi-currency, Territory Management, Automation, Customization, Templates, Custom Schedules, Webforms, Auto Response Rules, Workflow Rules, Blueprint.
  2. Sandbox allows you to test what happens not only when you add new configurations, but also when you edit or delete an existing configuration.
  3. Emails sent from the Sandbox environment will not be delivered to the recipients.
    Emails triggered through Workflow Rules or Blueprints will not be delivered but displayed in the Email related list of the record.
  4. Migrating data from another recruitment software is possible in the Sandbox. You can also import records to the specific modules.
  5. Updating a field in sandbox and deploying the changes to production will overwrite the existing field properties.
    For example, if the email field is marked as "mandatory" in the sandbox and "unique field" in production. Then, after deployment the field property will be overwritten to mandatory.
  6. To know whether you are working on the Sandbox environment or production setup, look out for a bright orange Sandbox ribbon. This is used to differentiate the Sandbox from your production setup. 
  7. Sandbox is only to test configurations in Zoho Recruit. Records that you enter into the Sandbox cannot be deployed to production.
  8. You can select all the changes or the required ones partially from the Change Set and then deploy them to the production.
  9. Once you have deployed changes to production, the remaining changes in the Change set will be retained until the next refresh. 
  10. You can refresh the Sandbox settings using the Refresh Settings option once in 3 days. When you refresh settings, all existing Sandbox configurations are deleted and the Sandbox environment will mirror the latest production setup.
  11. The changes deployed via Sandbox in the last 6 months will be listed in the Deployment Logs section in the Sandbox page.


Permission Required
Users with Manage Sandbox permission can carry out the following Sandbox setup actions:
  1. Create or edit sandbox
  2. Refresh sandbox 
  3. Add developers
  4. Deploy changes (of other users as well) to production (even without the specific feature permission)
  5. Deactivate the Sandbox account 

Create Sandbox

To create Sandbox, 
  1. Go to Setup > Developer Space > Sandbox.
  2. In the Sandbox page, enter the following details under the Sandbox Information section.
    Name: Enter a name for the Sandbox.
    Description: Write a brief description of the Sandbox.
    Accessible To: Add users to give them access to the Sandbox and its settings.
  3. Click Save
Apart from creating a Sandbox, you can add a type of user called Developer to access the Sandbox. A Developer is a type of user with access permission to the Sandbox account alone. Hence, the developer will not have access to records on the Recruit account.

Adding a Developer   

The main purpose of adding a developer is to:
  1. Ideate, create, and test all complex processes involved in automation tools like workflow rules, schedules, and others
  2. Write and test custom functions for activities that involve complex processes
  3. Ensure all the processes are error-free before deployed into the production account
  1. You can add maximum 5 developers to the sandbox account. 
  2. You can add the developers without purchasing a license. 
To add a developer,
  1. Go to Setup > Developer Space > Sandbox.
  2. In the Sandbox page, click the More icon (...) in the top right corner.
  3. In the drop down list, click Add developer.
  4. In the Add Developer page, enter the following details:
    1. First Name: Enter the first name of the developer to be added.
    2. Last Name: Enter the last name of the developer to be added.
    3. Email: Enter the developer's email to which the activation invite will be sent.
    4. Role: Select the role of the developer in the Sandbox account.
    5. Profile: Select the profile of the developer in the Sandbox account.
  5. Click Save to finish.
    An email invitation will be sent to the developer for activating the account. 

Access Sandbox   

To access Sandbox,
  1. Go to Setup > Developer Space > Sandbox.
  2. In the Sandbox page, click the Go to Sandbox button in the top right corner.
  3. A new Recruit tab opens with an orange colored Sandbox ribbon on the top denoting that the current tab is a sandbox.

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