Creating Custom Fields

Creating Custom Fields

In Zoho Recruit, you can add new fields as required. These fields will be available to all the users added to your organization's Recruit account.

Customize Zoho-Defined Fields: You can edit, delete, and hide some of the Zoho-defined fields, but note that there are some fields that you cannot delete, remove, rename, or change. These mandatory Zoho-defined fields include the Last Name in Candidates, Subject in Tasks.

Set Field Access Permissions: You can hide fields for users in a specific profile or mark the fields read-only.


Profile Permission Required: Users with the Customize Zoho Recruit permission can access this feature.


  1. The maximum number of fields that you can create depends on your Edition. There is also a limit for how many of each type of field you create.
  2. You can rename the custom fields but you cannot change their Field Type (eg. Text, Integer, Date).
  3. For example, if you create a Text field, you cannot change it to an Integer field.

Custom Fields

For most of the fields that you create, you will need to specify the following:

  • Label: A name for the field.
  • Field Properties: Properties of the field such as description and field values.

Other specifications required for each type of field:

Field Type
Other Details
Length: Maximum of 255 characters.
Length: Maximum of 9 digits.
Length: Maximum of 16 digits (including decimal places).
Label: The field name.
Length: Maximum of 16 digits. You will also need to specify the rounding option, a number of decimal places, and the rounding precision.
Format: YYYY/MM/DD Note: The date format will be changed according to the user's time zone settings.
Date & Time
Format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM Note: The date format will be changed according to the user's time zone settings.
Enter a valid email address
Enter a valid phone number
Specify the picklist values
Multi-select Picklist
Specify the picklist values
Text Area
Specify the character limit: small is 2000 characters, large is 32,000 characters.
Text Area Large will not be available if you are adding criteria to any feature.
Neither Text Area Large nor Text Area Small can be used for sorting records in ascending or descending order.
Check Box
Auto Number
You will need to specify the prefix, starting number, and suffix of the auto-number sequence. Select the Existing Records check box to apply the auto number to existing records.

Lookup Type: Select the module to establish a relationship for
Related List Label: The name for the entity that will be created under the record's details. For example, Attachments, Contact Roles. (available in all Paid Editions of Zoho Recruit except the Standard Edition)

Long Integer
Maximum of 18 characters (available in all Paid Editions of Zoho Recruit except the Standard Edition)

Custom Field Limits

There is a limit to the total number of fields that you can create in your account and a limit to the types of fields that you create. This depends on your Zoho Recruit Edition.

Custom fields are not available in the Free Edition of Zoho Recruit.
Lookup and formula fields are not available in the Standard Edition of Zoho Recruit.

Add Custom Fields

You can add custom fields in each module to capture important data relevant to your business requirements by specifying some field-related information.


Profile Permission Required: Users with the Field-level Access permission can access this feature.

To create new custom fields:

  1. Log in to Zoho Recruit with Administrator privileges.
  2. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules.
  3. Click the desired module.
    The Layout Editor will open.
  4. Drag and drop the required field type from the New Fields Tray on the left to the desired module section on the right.

  5. Name the field and define the Field Properties as required for the field.
  6. Click Save Layout.


  • The [Module] Name field of a custom module can be renamed but the [Module] Name field of a pre-defined module cannot.
  • For the Name field for a custom module, the user can choose between the Text and Auto Number field types. Once it has been chosen, the default Name field type cannot be changed. 

If the Name field of a custom module is an Auto Number field, the module cannot have any other Auto Number field as only one Auto Number field is allowed per custom module. Existing custom modules cannot have an Auto Number as the default Name field. A workaround for this is to create a new custom module and choose Auto Number as the Name field type and then import the existing records. (The screenshot here is for reference, what you see will vary according to the type of the custom field you are adding.)

Once the field is created, you cannot change its data type. For example, an Integer field cannot be changed to a Currency field.

You can change the length of the following types of custom fields: Currency, Text, Number (Integer), Decimal, Phone, Long Integer, and URL.

You cannot add custom fields in the Call module. However, you can edit permissions for the existing fields. 

Edit Custom Fields

To edit custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules.
    Module refers to the Candidates, Clients, Contacts, etc. tabs.
  2. Select the module from the Module list view.
    The Layout Editor will open.
  3. Go to the field you want to edit and rename the field by selecting Edit Properties.

  4. Click Save Layout.

Set Field Permission

You can set different field permissions for different users 

To set field permission

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules.
    Module refers to the Candidates, Clients, Contacts, etc. tabs.
  2. Select the module from the Module list view.
    The Layout Editor will open.
  3. Go to the required field, click the Settings icon and select Set Permission.
  4. In the Set Permission pop-up, define the permissions for each profile. 
  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Save Layout.

Mark a Field as Required

To mark a field as a required field:

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules.
    Module refers to the Candidates, Clients, Contacts, etc. tabs.
  2. Select the module from the Module list view.
    The Layout Editor will open.
  3. Go to the field you want to edit, click the Settings icon and select Mark as required. 
    Read/Write permission for the field will be given to users who have access to the module.

Mark a Field as Unique

A unique field must contain a value which is unique to that record. Email address is an example of a unique field as more than one person cannot have the same email address.

In Zoho Recruit, you can mark a field as unique. Unique fields play a vital role in managing duplicate records during manual creation of records, importing records, and creating records using APIs.

To mark a field as unique:

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules.
  2. In the Modules List Page, select the desired module.
  3. Click the Settings icon for the field that you want to mark as unique.
  4. Select the Do not allow duplicate values option from the Settings dropdown list.
    This option is available if the field that you want to mark as unique is a predefined field.
    Marking the Primary Email field for the Candidates or Contacts module as unique will ensure that an email duplication check is carried out for the selected module.

    If the field you want to mark as unique is a custom field, select Field Properties from the Settings dropdown list.
    In the Field Properties pop-up, select the Do not allow duplicate values checkbox.

  5. Click Save Layout.

In the Fields List View page, the field you selected the Do not allow duplicate values option for will be indicated in the Data Type column as a Unique field. 


  • The Unique Fields feature is only available in the paid editions of Zoho Recruit.
  • Only users who have the Customize Zoho Recruit permission enabled in their profiles will be able to mark a field as unique.
  • A module in Zoho Recruit can have two unique fields. The following modules are exceptions to this condition, as they can have three unique fields:
    • Candidates, Contacts, and Custom modules (Email address + 2 other fields)
  • Only Text, Email, Phone, Integer, Long Integer, and URL fields can be marked as unique across all modules. The Twitter field can be marked as unique for the Candidates and Contacts modules.
  • The unique fields are not case sensitive. This means that if the incoming unique field's value is "ABC" and in the existing record, it is "abc", Zoho Recruit will still identify this as a match.
  • Once a field has been marked as unique, it may take a little while for Zoho Recruit to index this change in the database. This means that if you create a record in the module with the same value as another record immediately after marking it as unique, Zoho Recruit may not recognize the unique field value. It may allow the duplicate to be created because the change has not yet been indexed. If this happens, please try after a few minutes.
  • The Activities module cannot have a unique field.
  • In Zoho Recruit, unique fields are supported for records that are created manually and via imports or APIs.
  • Unique fields are not supported for records that are created via Recruit migration, MS Outlook or Google synchronization, or restoration from the Recycle Bin.
  • Unique fields are not supported for records in the Zoho Sheet View.

Remove or Delete Custom Fields

The fields that you have created can be removed if you no longer need them. When you remove a custom field, it is moved to the Unused Fields section. This means that it is only removed from the layout and not from Recruit itself.
To delete the field permanently from Recruit, you must delete it again from the Unused Fields section.

To remove custom fields from the layout:

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules.
    Module refers to the Candidates, Clients, Contacts, etc. tabs.
  2. Select the module from the modules list view.
  3. Click the Trash icon for the field that you want to remove.

  4. Make sure to read the instructions in the pop-up box and then click Yes, move to unused fields to remove the field.
    The removed fields are pushed to the Unused Fields section.


  • When a custom field is moved to the Unused Fields section, it is only removed from the module's layout and not from Zoho Recruit. As long as the removed field is in the Unused Fields section, you can restore it by dragging and dropping it back to the required section.
  • Restoring field from the Unused Fields section will also restore its associated data.
  • A removed field is in the Unused Fields section is still part of the database. The total number of fields allowed for your Zoho Recruit Edition, therefore, includes the fields in the Unused Fields section.
  • To delete a custom field permanently from Zoho Recruit, you must delete it again from the Unused Fields section.
  • Once a field is deleted from the Unused Fields section you cannot restore it and its associated data.
  • Standard fields that are provided in Zoho Recruit by default can be moved to the Unused Fields section but cannot be deleted permanently.

Create Currency Fields

The currency field allows you to define the decimal and precision settings based on your selected currency locale. There are four rounding options available for a currency field in Zoho Recruit:

To create currency type custom fields:

  1. Log in to Zoho Recruit with Administrator privileges.
  2. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules.
  3. Module refers to the Candidates, Clients, Contacts, etc. tabs.
  4. Click the required module from the module list view.
  5. Drag and drop the Currency field type to the desired [Module] section on the right.
    • Enter a name in the Field Label field.

    • Select the length of the field from the Maximum digits allowed dropdown list, e.g., 9.
    • Select the number of decimal places required from the Decimal Places dropdown list, e.g., 2.
    • Select the Rounding option from the dropdown list, e.g., Normal.
    • Select the Required check box if you want this to be a required field.
    • For the Candidates, Contacts, Clients, and Job Openings modules, you will see an additional option called Also create for. Use this option to create the same field for any of the other three modules at once. This option is not available for the Currency field in custom modules.

  6. Click Done.

Add or Rename Pick List Values

There are some industry-standard picklist values available in each module by default. You can add new picklist values according to your organization's business process or rename the existing values.

To add or rename picklist values:

Log in to Zoho Recruit with Administrator privileges.

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules.
    Module refers to the Candidates, Clients, Contacts, etc. tabs.
  2. Click the desired module from the Modules list view.
  3. Go to the required picklist field, click the Settings icon and select Edit Properties.
  4. Go to the required picklist field, click the Settings icon and select Edit Properties.
  5. In the Pick List Properties pop-up:

    • To add a new value, click the Plus icon for value and add the value below it.
    • To delete a value, click the Minus icon for the value.
    • To rename an existing value, type the new name in place of the existing value.
    • To add the options all at once, click Add options in bulk.
    • In the Add Bulk Options text box, type the values in a list.
      Click Add Choices.
    • To sort the values, click the Sort icon.
    • To import values, click Import icon.
    • To maximize the pop-up, click the Maximize icon.
  6. Choose a value from the Select default value dropdown list.
    If no value is selected, the default value applies to this field.
  7. If you want to make this a required field, select the Required checkbox.
  8. Click Done.

When you add, rename, or delete values, they will not be automatically updated in the records where they have already been used. You need to manually select each record and update the picklist field.When you delete a picklist value, records that have the field value associated with it will not be deleted.

Add Multi-Select Pick List Values

This option enables you to select multiple values while creating or editing a record. For example, your organization may be offering different services and some of your customers may be interested in multiple services. If this is the case, you can use the multi-select picklist value instead of single picklist value while creating a job opening. You can periodically modify the picklist values to fit your organization's recruitment process.

To add multi-select picklist values:

  1. Log in to Zoho Recruit with Administrator privileges.
  2. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules.
    Module refers to the Candidates, Clients, Contacts, etc. tabs.
  3. Select the required module from the Modules list view.
    The Layout Editor will appear.
  4. Drag and drop the Multi-Select field type from the New Fields tray into the desired [Module] section on the right.
  5. In the Pick List Properties section:

    • Enter a name in the Field Label field.
    • To add a new value, click the Plus icon for value and add the value below it.
    • To delete a value, click the Minus icon for the value.
    • To rename an existing value, type the new name in the place of the existing value.
    • To add the options all at once, click Add options in bulk.
      In the Add Bulk Options text box, type the values in a list.
      Click Add Choices.
    • To sort the values, click the Sort icon.
    • To import values, click the Import icon.
    • To maximize the pop-up, click the Maximize icon.
  6. Choose a value from the Select default value dropdown list.
    If no value is selected, the chosen default value will apply to this field.
  7. If you want to make this a required field, select the Required checkbox.
  8. Click Done.

When you delete a picklist value, records that have the field value associated with it will not be deleted.

Create Lookup Field

The lookup field helps you establishing relationships between different modules. For example, some of your contacts have multiple job openings. You want to know which contact has active job openings, so you have a field called "Posted for" in your Job Openings module, which lets you browse for and choose the correct contact. This association is established by creating a lookup field. Note that lookup fields cannot be created for Tasks or Events.


Profile Permission Required: Users with the Field-level Access permission can access this feature.

To create a lookup field:

  1. Log in to Zoho Recruit with Administrator privileges.
  2. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules.
    Module refers to the Candidates, Clients, Contacts, etc. tabs.
  3. Select the module from the Modules list view.
    The Layout Editor appears.
  4. Drag and drop the Lookup field type from the New Fields tray into the required [Module] section on the right.
  5. In the Lookup Properties pop-up:

    • Enter a name for the lookup field in the Field Label text box. (e.g., Referred By. This field will now be available when creating a job opening.)
    • Select a module from the Lookup Type dropdown. Data from the module selected here will be listed in the field. (e.g., for Contacts, the lookup field will list all the products)
    • Enter the Related List Title. (e.g., for Leads Referred a related list will be created for the records in the Contacts module.)
  6. Click Done.
  7. Click Save Layout.
    The Posted for Lookup field will be found while creating job openings. The Job openings related list will be found in all record details pages in the Contacts module.

Create Auto-Number Field

The auto-number type custom field helps classify records with unique numbers. When an auto-number field is added to the Recruit module, a number is added sequentially to new records, and, if desired, update existing records. For example, Job ID.


Profile Permission Required: Users with the Field-level Access permission can access this feature.

To create auto-number fields:

  1. Log in to Zoho Recruit with Administrator privileges.
  2. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules.
    Module refers to the Candidates, Clients, Contacts, etc. tabs.
  3. Select the module from the Modules list view.
    The Layout Editor appears.
  4. Drag and drop the Auto Number field type from the New Fields tray.
  5. In the Auto Number Properties pop-up:

    • Enter a name in the Field Label field.
    • In the Auto Number Format section, enter the Prefix, Starting Number, and the Suffix for the auto-number value.
    • You can check the preview.
  6. Click Done.
  7. Click Save Layout.

Map Dependency Fields

The values in some fields depend on the values in other fields. This can be defined as a parent-child relationship. For example, there are two fields, Country and State, in your Job Openings module. The values in the State field will depend on the country that you select in the Country field. This kind of relationship is established by mapping dependency fields. You can define which values will appear in the Child field when a certain value is chosen in the Parent field. Note that this only applies to picklist fields.

To map field dependencies:

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules.
    Module refers to the Candidates, Clients, Contacts, etc. tabs.
  2. Select the module from the Module list view.
    The Layout Editor appears.
  3. Click the Settings icon and select Map Dependency Fields.
  4. In the Map Dependency Fields page for the selected module, click New.
    • Select the Parent Field from the dropdown list.
    • Select the Child Field from the dropdown list.

    • Click Next.
    • Select the values for each parent field value.
    • For example, if the parent field is Product Edition, select the Features available for the selected Edition.
    • Click the Previous or Next links, to map all the Parent field values to the Child field values.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Now, when you create a new record in the module, the values of the Child field differ based on the value chosen for the Parent field.

Terms and Conditions Fields

This field allows you to define the text for terms and conditions while creating fields.


Profile Permission Required: Users with the Field-level Access permission can access this feature.

To customize terms and conditions fields:

  1. Log in to Zoho Recruit with Administrator privileges.
  2. Click   (the Settings icon) > Setup > Customization > Modules
  3. Select the required module from the Modules list view.
  4. The Layout Editor is displayed.
  5. Drag and drop Terms of Application from the custom field panel.
  6. In the pop-up window, add a Field Label and the terms of application. Click Done.
  7. Depending on the module the terms and conditions are created for, the text will be displayed on the page automatically.

This field is only displayed for new records, not for the existing records page.

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