Creating your first mailing list

Creating your first mailing list

Once you create your Zoho Campaigns account, you'll be redirected to our welcome page, where you can create your first mailing list. You can create email list/mailing list to organize your contacts and perform different actions on them. 

To create a mailing list

  1. On the Welcome page, click the Create List button. The Create List page will appear.


  2. Provide information for these details/options:
    • Name – This is the name of your mailing list, for internal reference.
    • Help contacts join this list - Enable it if you want contacts to join your mailing list via signup form. Keep it disabled if you want to make your list private. 
    • Tell contacts how you know them – Let contacts know why they’re receiving this newsletter. This information will be added in the footer section of every email campaign.


  3. Once your mailing list has been created, you can use multiple methods to add contacts.
    • Add contacts – Manually add contacts.
    • Import contacts – Import contacts from your computer, Zoho CRM, or Google Sheets.
    • Add Signup Form – Create your own signup form to add contacts directly from various sources.
    • Sync Contacts – Sync your Campaigns account with Zoho apps and other third party apps and import your contacts from those apps.
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