Custom Colors

Custom Colors

Super Admins and Admins can customize Booking Page ThemesManagers can only view this information. Staff will not have access to this information.

Custom Colors

can offer a touch of professionalism and personalization to your booking pages. The visual appeal that it adds to the booking pages gives your business the desired edge. This feature offers a gamut of colors to choose from, to customize your booking pages.
Custom Colors is right now available only with the Modern Web theme.

To access custom colors:

    1.   Navigate to Manage Business >  Workspaces.

    2.  Choose desired workspace and click Booking Page Themes.

          3.  Choose the Modern Web theme.

    4.  Click the last tile of the color palette available under Color Options.

    5.  A pop up comes up with personalization options.

Booking Page Components:

  • Background Color : The color of the canvas on which the various booking page elements (business text, controls and appointment booking button) are put up.

  • Text Color : The color of the business text (except that of the appointment booking button).

  • Button Color : The color of the appointment booking button (and also of icons of the other controls in the booking page).

  • Button Text Color : The color of the text contained in the appointment booking button.

Customize component color:


The color of the various components mentioned below can either be customized using the sliders to the right of the color palette or using hex codes in the box provided below the color palette.

Sliders: Sliding over the colour spectrum to the right of the color palette, enables you arbitrarily choose from a wide collection of colors.
Color HEX: Every color in the colour palette is given a unique hex code. The HEX box allows keying in hex codes to choose a desired color. It also provides hex values for colors chosen by you so that you can reuse the same codes uniformly in your scheduling pages.

You might be interested in our guide to designing proficient booking pages for more insights into this feature.
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