Custom Dashboards

Custom Dashboards

Creating a new Dashboard

You can create customized dashboards to collate and analyze data across social channels. You will be able to add the different Cards available for each network in your Custom Dashboard as per your requirements.

Adding Cards

To create a Custom Report by adding various network Cards, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Reports tab and select the Dashboard icon from the top bar of your screen.
  2. Click the + next to the Dashboard column on your left to Create a new Dashboard.
  3. Enter a title for your Dashboard and click Save.
  4. You can choose to set the visibility as Only Me (Private), All Team Members, or you can Custom Share the Dashboard with only specific members in your team, and then click Share. Setting visibility for existing team members lets you define whether they can see those reports when they log in.
  5. Click +Add Cards to view a column of all the available Cards from each social network.
  6. You can choose a desired social network (eg: Facebook, etc.) and select the required Cards listed for the network. (Eg: Audience Summary, Post & Engagement Summary, etc.)
  7. You can also select another channel, repeat the process again, if required.
  8. Once you're done, click the X, to close the column on your right and your Dashboard will be saved.
You can choose to adjust the time frame for which you'd like to view the data on Zoho Social by clicking on the Calendar icon from the top bar on the Reports tab.

Exporting Dashboards

If you'd like to export the entire Report Section in a PDF or PNG format, to keep a copy of the file on your computer, follow these steps:
  1. Click on the Reports tab and select the Dashboard icon from the top bar of your screen.
  2. Select the Export button from the top bar on your screen.
  3. Select Export as PDF or Export as PNG from the drop-down that appears.
  4. You report will be generated and saved in your computer.

Emailing Dashboards

You can choose to e-mail Dashboards to your team members or clients. Follow these steps to email the Dashboards:
  1. Click on the Reports tab and select the Dashboard icon from the top bar of your screen.
  2. Select the Email button on the top right corner of the page and click Send as Mail.
  3. You can enter details such as the Recipient's Email Address, Subject, Message, set the format as PDF or PNG, etc, and then click Send.

Password Protection:

Password protection is available for any personal information that can be exported as an Email to anyone outside Zoho Social. You can choose to password-protect files when you email a Custom Report to the Brand Users or Clients. If a custom report is password-protected when it's emailed, the receiver will only be able to download and open it after entering the password set by the sender. This password can be changed each time a Custom Report is sent as an email.
The password should contain at least six characters.
You can enable the Password Protect option by clicking on the check box and set up your password. You can then share the Dashboard via email with your team.

Scheduling Dashboards

You can schedule Dashboards to your team on a weekly or monthly basis without having to send an email every time you want to share important stats with your team. Follow these steps to schedule the Dashboards to your team members:
  1. Click on the Reports tab and select the Dashboard icon from the top bar of your screen.
  2. Select the Email button on the top right corner of the page and click Schedule.
  3. You can fill-in the scheduling requirements by selecting team members, setting a date-range, and time, and format— PDF or PNG, and then Schedule.

Deleting Dashboards

Follow these steps to delete a Custom Dashboard on Zoho Social:
  1. Click on the Reports tab and select the Dashboard icon from the top bar of your screen.
  2. Select a particular Dashboard created by you or shared with you, from the column on your left.
  3. Click on the ellipsis on the right corner of the Dashboard, and click Delete.

Managing Dashboards

With the Advanced Reports Permissions, you can choose to create Custom Dashboards of your own, share Dashboards with your team members, or view and manage Custom Dashboards shared with you. Follow these steps to view all of the Dashboards you have access to:
  1. Click on the Reports tab and select the Dashboard icon from the top bar of your screen.
  2. Select a particular Dashboard created by you or shared with you, from the column on your left.
  3. Here, you can view All Dashboards, Shared Dashboards, and Dashboards Created by You.
On Zoho Social, you can choose to manage the visibility of your Custom Dashboards. You can view all of your Custom Dashboards from the column on your left. You can set the privacy to manage who can access the Dashboard by selecting:
  1. Only Me: This is a private mode. Only you can access these Dashboards.       
  2. All Team Members: Only the Team Members in your Brand can view and manage these Dashboards.     
  3. Custom Share: Only the team members you've selected can view and manage these Dashboards.
Setting visibility for existing team members lets you define whether they can see those reports when they log in.

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