Custom Domain

Custom Domain

Super admins and admins can view and edit this information. Managers can only view this information. Staff members will not have access to this information.
If you already own a domain for your business, you can attach the booking page to your domain. For example, if you own a domain called "," then you can specify a subdomain and have a booking page URL in the format <subdomain> This can be done in the "Launch Custom Domain" section. 

To launch a custom domain:
  1. Click on the  icon in the top-right corner, then go to General > Booking Page URL

  2. In the "Launch Custom Domain" field, enter your domain name along with a preferred subdomain. Click Launch.  

    When you save your preferred page link, you’re creating a new subdomain on your existing domain name. So before you can start using this subdomain, you’ll need to include the details of this subdomain in your domain manager. Once you include these details, your domain will recognize this subdomain. This process is called verifying your domain. 

    Once you click Launch, Zoho Bookings will list the information with which you can verify your domain in one of the three ways.  

    1. Add a CNAME : We’ll generate a unique record or ID, called CNAME, that you can add to your DNS (Domain Name System) manager 

    2. Add TXT record : We’ll give you a unique TXT record and format that you can add to your DNS manager 

    3. Upload a HTML file : Use this method if you have permission to upload files directly to your website  

      In all three methods (CNAME, TXT, HTML file), Zoho Bookings will generate the details that your domain needs to recognize the subdomain. You’ll only have to add and verify.

Before you verify

The following is a default step which needs to be performed before the domain can be verified using one of the three methods. 
  1. Log into your DNS manager account.  

  2. Open the Domain Management Page where you update the DNS Records. Based on your provider it may be called "DNS Manager", "DNS Control Panel", or "Advanced DNS editor".  

  3. Locate the option to add CNAME records. It’s usually under DNS Records, but if you’re unsure, consult your domain provider’s help guide.  

  4. Create a CNAME record with the following details:  

    1. Name/Host/Alias/CNAME - The name you chose for your booking page link. For example, if your domain name is, and the booking page will be '' then your Name/Host/Alias/CNAME should be “booknow” 

    2. Value/Points To/Destination/CNAME - “”. 
      Note: The domain for this value should match your account domain. For example, if you access Bookings from, the value should be

Custom Domain Verification  

The following are the generic steps for domain verification. Some of these steps may vary depending on your domain provider. If you face trouble with the process, you can contact your domain provider and they will be able to do it for you. You can also send an email to and we’ll try our best to identify your domain provider’s process. Please be advised that you can verify using any one of the three methods.
Verify by adding a CNAME
Note: The following are the generic steps to add a CNAME. Some of these steps may vary depending on your domain provider. If you have trouble adding the CNAME, you can contact your domain provider and they will be able to do it for you. You can also send an email to and we’ll try our best to identify your domain provider’s process.

After adding the first CNAME record, as highlighted in the above section, follow the steps given below. 
  1. Create a CNAME record with the following details: 

    1. Name/Host/Alias/CNAME - The seven digit verification code generated in your Zoho Bookings account. (In the screenshot below, it's kves3av) 

    2. Value/Points To/Destination/CNAME - “” 
      Note: The domain for this value should match your account domain. For example, if you access Bookings from, the value should be

  2. Optional: If TTL (Time to Live) is editable, reduce it to 300 seconds or the minimum possible value. 

  3. Click Save. It may take up to 20 minutes for the changes to take effect. 

  4. Log into Zoho Bookings again. 

  5. Navigate to Manage Business General Booking Page URL and click Verify Now 

Verify by adding a TXT 

After adding the first CNAME record, as highlighted in the above section, follow the steps given below.
  1. Create a TXT record with the following details: 

    1. Name/Host/Alias/TXT - The code generated in your Zoho Bookings account. (In the screenshot below, it's @) 

    2. Value/Points To/Destination/CNAME - In the screenshot below, it's Copy and paste the value generated in your account. 
      Note: The domain for this value should match your account domain. For example, if you access Bookings from, the value should be

  2. Optional: If TTL (Time to Live) is editable, reduce it to 300 seconds or the minimum possible value. 

  3. Click Save. It may take up to 20 minutes for the changes to take effect. Then log into Zoho Bookings again. 

  4. Navigate to Manage Business General Booking Page URL and click Verify Now

Verify by uploading an HTML file
Note: You can use this method only if you have permission to upload files directly to your website folder. You’ll have to log in to your website hosting provider (like WordPress or GoDaddy) to upload the file. 
After adding the first CNAME record, as highlighted in the above section, follow the steps given below.  
  1. In Zoho Bookings, navigate to Manage Business > General > Booking Page URL 

  2. Click the Add File option

  3. Click the "verifydomain.html" link to download the HTML verification file. This file contains a unique string of numbers and varies for each domain. 

  4. Log into the account with your website hosting provider. 

  5. Create a folder in root called "zcp". 

  6. Upload the file to “” 

  7. Visit on your browser and you should be able to see the code. 

  8. Log into Zoho Bookings again. 

  9. Navigate to Manage Business General Booking Page URL and click Verify Now

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