Custom Domain

Custom Domain

Custom Domains are used to showcase your organization's brand in the form URLs shared to all your form respondents. They can help increase the number of responses to your forms.

CNAME Record Mapping for Your Domain

Before adding a Custom Domain for your forms, follow these steps:

  1. You will need to buy and register a domain or a sub-domain for your organization. 
  2. Now, create a CNAME record in your domain provider.
  3. Use the CNAME record to map your domain or sub-domain to the Hostname .


If you are accessing Zoho Forms from , then map your domain or sub-domain to the Hostname .

If you are accessing Zoho Forms from , then map your domain or sub-domain to the Hostname .

If you are accessing Zoho Forms from , then map your domain or sub-domain to the Hostname .

Adding a Custom Domain

To add your domain for your forms in Zoho Forms:

  1. Login to Zoho Forms as Admin/Super Admin.
  2. On the top right corner, click on the profile picture and access the Admin Panel .
  3. Select  Custom Domain  as shown below:

  1. Enter your domain or sub-domain and click Add Domain .

  1. The domain status will be listed as Pending .
  2. We'll process SSL certificate for your domain and send a confirmation email in 3-5 days.
  3. Once confirmed, the domain status will be changed to Verified .

Using custom domain

To start using the custom domain in your forms:Log into your Zoho Forms account.

  1. Log into your Zoho Forms account.
  2. In your form builder navigate to Settings  >  General  >  Advanced Settings  >  Custom Domain .
  3. From the Custom Domain dropdown, select the domain which you wish to use for your form. 

Note : Custom domains can be used only for public forms.

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