Custom Field Properties in Layouts

Custom Field Properties in Layouts

While adding custom fields to layouts, users are prompted to declare the properties of fields. Let us discuss the details of each property. 


Properties of fields

Field title  

Field title is the actual title used to identify a field across layouts.   

Field label 

Label of the field to be displayed in the layout. Field labels vary with each layout. 

  • When a hiring layout is created, a custom field titled Name can be labelled, Candidate Name. When the same field is used in a different layout, the label can changed to First Name or Last Name
  • While field titles are generic, field labels can be more specific to resonate the layout.   
  • Field title or label, once used cannot be reused in any other layout. 

Default value  

Predefined value of the field. This value gets pre-filled in the layout. It can be overwritten while creating or updating a job.      

Mandatory fields  

Mandatory fields must be filled before the form can be submitted. Enable the button to make the field mandatory to collect any necessary information from the user.    

Field Visibility  

You can choose to hide fields from users when they create new jobs. However, the user might be able to view this field in the job details page, depending on their set privilege.  

For example, the score of a candidate will not be available while initiating a hiring process. Hence, it will be much relevant to hide this field while creating a new job. However, once the score is available after evaluation, it can be added to the field of the job available in the job details page.   You can also choose to hide this field entirely from certain user profiles by setting privileges.  

To manage the  visibility  of any field, toggle and enable the corresponding button.   

A mandatory field cannot be made invisible.  

Field Encryption  

Confidential user data, like the financial details of an organization, can be kept secure using the   Encrypt  option. Encryption converts your text into a cipher (non-readable text), which can be accessed only by authorized users. Only the encrypted values of the field will be saved in the database. Toggle the button to enable encryption for a field.   
  • Users with the Admin profile or other profiles with valid permissions will be able to decrypt the fields and view the information.  
  • Encrypted fields can only be used to set criteria as 'Is' or 'Is Not'.  
  • You can only encrypt a maximum of 10 fields.  
  • When encryption is enabled, the field will be encrypted across all layouts.   
  • The field types which support encryption are: Single-Line, Date, Decimal, Integer, Email Address, Link, and Currency.  

Personally Identifiable Information  

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) deals with sensitive details, like a social security number or credit card number, that can be used to identify a specific individual. If you wish to classify any field as PII, toggle and enable the corresponding button.   
  • If a field’s PII classification is turned off in a layout, the field will no longer be classified PII in other layouts also.  

  • The user's personal data stored in the PII fields will be deleted from the database once the user exits the portal.  
  • The field types which support PII are: Single-Line, Multi-Line, Date, Decimal, Integer, Email Address, Link, and Currency.  

Learn more about creating different custom fields here.
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